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Evaluation Term Paper Topics Middle School
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Why Tall Presidential Candidates Tend to Win
Why Tall Presidential Candidates Tend to Win During one of the Republican presidential discussions before the 2016 political decision, the web search organization Google followed what terms Internet clients were looking for while viewing on TV. The outcomes were astonishing. The top inquiry wasnt ISIS. It wasnt Barack Obamas a day ago. It wasnt charge plans. It was: How tall is Jeb Bush? The inquiry examination uncovered an inquisitive interest among the democratic open: Americans, it turns out, are captivated with how tall the presidential competitors are. Also, they will in general decision in favor of the tallest competitors, as indicated by notable political race results and examination into voter conduct. Things being what they are, do the tallest presidential competitors consistently win? Taller Presidential Candidates Get More Votesâ Its actual: Taller presidential applicants have fared better through history. They havent consistently won. Be that as it may, they were successful in a larger part of decisions andâ the well known vote around 66% of the time, concurring to Gregg R. Murray, a Texas Tech University political specialist. Murrays examination presumed that the taller ofâ the two significant gathering competitors fromâ 1789 to 2012 won 58 percent of presidentialâ elections and got most of the famous voteâ in 67 percent of those races. The outstanding special cases to the standard incorporate Democrat Barack Obama, who at 6 feet, 1 inch tall won the 2012 presidential political race against Republican Mitt Romney, who was an inch taller. In 2000, George W. Bramble won the political decision yet lost the well known vote to a taller Al Gore.â Why Voters Favor Tall Presidential Candidates Taller pioneers are viewed as more grounded pioneers, analysts state. What's more, tallness has been especially significant in wartime. Consider Woodrow Wilson at 5 feet, 11 inches, and Franklin D. Roosevelt at 6 feet, 2 inches. â€Å"In specific, during times of danger, we have an inclination for genuinely impressive leaders,†Murray disclosed to ​​The Wall Street Journal in 2015. In the exploration paper Tall claims? Sense and Nonsense About the Importance of Height of US Presidents, distributed in Leadership Quarterly, the creators concluded:â The benefit of taller applicants is conceivably clarified by recognitions related with tallness: taller presidents are appraised by specialists as more prominent, and having more initiative and relational abilities. We presume that tallness is a significant trademark in picking and assessing political leaders.Height is related with a portion of indistinguishable discernments and results from is quality. For instance, people with taller height are seen as better pioneers and accomplish higher status inside a wide assortment of present day political and hierarchical settings. Stature of the 2016 Presidential Candidates Heres how tall the 2016 presidential applicants were, as indicated by different distributed reports. Insight: No, Bush wasnt the tallest. What's more, a note: the tallest president in history was Abraham Lincoln, who stood 6 feet, 4 inches - only a hair taller than Lyndon B. Johnson. Republican George Pataki: 6 feet, 5 inches (quit the race)Republican Jeb Bush: 6 feet, 3 inches (quit the race)Republican Donald Trump:â 6 feet, 3 inchesRepublican Rick Santorum:â 6 feet, 3 inches (quit the race)Democrat Martin OMalley: 6 feet, 1 inch (quit the race)Republican Ben Carson: 5 feet, 11 inchesRepublican Chris Christie:â 5 feet, 11 inches (quit the race)Republican Mike Huckabee:â 5 feet, 11 inches (quit the race)Republican Bobby Jindal:â 5 feet, 10 inches (quit the race)Republican Marco Rubio:â 5 feet, 10 inchesRepublican Ted Cruz:â 5 feet, 10 inchesRepublican John Kasich:â 5 feet, 9 inchesRepublican Rand Paul:â 5 feet, 9 inchesDemocrat Bernie Sanders:â 5 feet, 8 inchesDemocrat Hillary Clinton:â 5 feet, 7 inchesRepublican Carly Fiorina:â 5 feet, 6 inches (quit the race)
Saturday, August 22, 2020
In what ways did the British government attempt to hide the effects of the Blitz from the people of Britain Essays
In what ways did the British government endeavor to shroud the impacts of the Blitz from the individuals of Britain Essays In what ways did the British government endeavor to shroud the impacts of the Blitz from the individuals of Britain Essay In what ways did the British government endeavor to shroud the impacts of the Blitz from the individuals of Britain Essay At the point when war broke out in 1939, there was a demeanor of hesitance among the British individuals. The frightfulness of the First World War was new in people groups minds and many would not like to encounter that once more. The legislature perceived the need to keep up resolve, provided that it were demolished then the war would be lost, and assigned an office, the Ministry of Information, for the creation of promulgation and the association of restriction. At the point when the Blitz began in 1940, the administration thought it particularly essential to protect the open soul because of the harming impacts of non military personnel bombings, both physical and mental. They utilized an assortment of devices to achieve this, for example, radio stations, newsreels, and banner battles. In any case, it was anything but a straightforward matter of concealing data from the general population. A few things were controlled, yet it was increasingly about introducing a painstakingly made picture to individuals and utilizing scenes of decimation to pass on positive, assurance boosting messages. One of the manners by which the British government endeavored to control general sentiment was using promulgation. Various banner crusades were dispatched and Ministry of Information newsreels were viewed by thousands consistently. Radio stations, tuned in to by a huge extent of the nation, were additionally intensely affected by the legislature. The main radio broadcast accessible was possessed by the BBC, which was in consistent correspondence with the Ministry of Information about how occasions ought to be accounted for. Indeed, even light amusement on the radio regularly contained a basic message. Oversight was likewise done. Writers needed to submit articles for checking and a few papers which penetrated these guidelines were formally prohibited. A few pictures and clasps of film esteemed not appropriate for open survey, for example, a film of a mass entombment following strikes on Coventry, were hidden and not uncovered until after the war. The administration wanted to blue pencil pictures which were especially upsetting or which indicated the nation not adapting great to fiasco. A photo of the besieged play area of Catford Girls School is a case of a picture that was not appeared to general society. Dead bodies in sacks are seen flung everywhere throughout the ground. Photos of this nature were probably not going to have been affirmed for distribution in light of the fact that real, instead of inferred, demise is plainly appeared. This may have upset individuals, particularly the individuals who had not had an individual encounter of sufferings of this extent. As a matter of fact to see an image of the dead assortments of kids just coolly lying around is undeniably more discouraging than an unoriginal, moderately pointless rundown of loss figures. Additionally, the survey of pictures indicating despair or extraordinary despondency was limited. The administration needed to put over the message that Britain was adapting great and arranging; being mentally unaffected. Film clasps, for example, one of a deprived lady dejected after a memorial service would not prove this as were restricted. Nonetheless, numerous scenes of physical devastation were not edited, however utilized as bits of purposeful publicity. This was with the goal that the individuals of Britain could be indicated transcending the decimation around them and rising as a unified, sure, radiant country. The film Neighbors Under Fire shows some recently made vagrants who are singing, giggling and obviously arranging as a network. This mental fortitude is made all the more frightening by the rehashed shots of the totally destroyed structures around them. Their homes and possessions may have been obliterated, as we are continually reminded, yet their soul has not. This utilization of purposeful publicity was not straightforwardly concealing the impacts of the Blitz but instead somewhat distorting the mental and social consequences. We see a nation whose soul is totally unaffected by the hardship; which is turning into a more grounded country as a result of it. There is no notice of the frightened inhabitants of Coventry trekking out each night and resting in the fields or the tremendous, dreadful groups social affair to compel the administration to open the Tube stations as safe houses. Additionally, if the message of the publicity had been that Britain was scarcely influenced at all then the annoyance of the individuals who realized in any case would have been excited and little notification would have been taken of the material. The movies were made progressively conceivable by the appearing of some proportion of pulverization and this really assisted with masking the genuine circumstance since individuals would have seen little motivation to scrutinize the picture of solidarity and constancy passed on. The British government attempted to shroud the impacts of the Blitz by these way to safeguard the spirit of the individuals. They realized that a country without devoted versatility couldn't continue the multi-faceted war exertion at home thus through radio stations, newsreels and banner crusades looked to deal with the open view of and response to the Blitz.
Report on the Case Study of Virgin Trains. Organization Success
Report working on this issue Study of Virgin Trains. Association Success In the cutting edge time, business exercises have state of changes in various manners, in the event that we talk in association conduct, innovation of the organization, the consumer loyalty, the strategy for creations, the utilization of most recent and present day supplies, the administration of human asset, the scholarly assets, the exercises of showcasing, promoting the board, items advancement and numerous different zones of the business which are reliably changing with organization condition and client need and needs. The majority of he organization now a days are experiencing change the executives. Change the board is a procedure of changing the general exercises of the associations if not everything except rather with some degree those exercises which the administration feel that the organization ceaselessly confronting issue by taking care of crafted by the association. So they choose to change the administration or organization or those exercises which are ceaselessly upsett ing the workplace of the organization. The next might be the most significant regions where the business are taking enthusiasm to roll out an improvement. These are as under. Culture of the organization, Work enviromnet, Technology, Production methods Administration of the organization, Use of most recent and current methods and hotspots for business, Change in the executives and so on. We can characterize the change the executives likewise by the assistance of following words. The way toward changing the exercises of the association just as the execution of the strategies and advances to accomplish the craving goal of the association, basically words to change the earth of the business association and to accomplish a high benefit structure that changing, for the most part change the executives incorporates various perspectives, for example, control change, adjustment change and affecting change. The last objective of the change the board is the drawn out supportability of the association. There might be some inward and outside triggers which get change the association exercises. Change Management Importance. The procedure of progress the board isn't a simple assignment since it requires the business aptitude, diagnostic ability, political expertise, framework expertise, individuals expertise, and Change the executives assumes a crucial job in the association advancement since it offers soundness to the association by examining the inward and outside changes. It additionally gives a strong base to the worth and notoriety. And furthermore amplify the benefit of the business concern. Change the board additionally gives great culture and sound working framework to the association, it likewise makes top base ways to deal with encourage and advance the requirement for a culture. Where representatives do play out their exercises with powerful and productive way? Which additionally give premise to human asset trough to execute those techniques for preparing and improvement which lift up the present representatives for the need of the association? Presently a days different organizations are employing the administrations of the executives expert to figure out how best deal with the exercises of the business concern, the advisor giving best procedures to actualizing the change procedure and to accomplish the association goals. A) Critically assessment of the contextual investigation of the virgin train. Relationship vision and culture of the organization: As before all the trains organize in the hand of Britain government, they selected a different body for the administration and treatment of the railroad exercises known as Britain rail. Be that as it may, since 1997 virgin train working total in private segment, the quality and the executives of the virgin train is presently so better. The courses of train experience Manchester, Glasgow, and Birmingham and numerous others refers to of the United Kingdom. The new CEO of the virgin train has declared another vision for an organization which has with extraordinary degree bolster the organization in various circumstance. Vision and statement of purpose of the virgin train: Vision: an announcement is some time called an image of the organization later on. Vision explanation is the organization goal, their casing work for all key arranging of the organization. The vision proclamation addresses the question where would we like to go. For instance the vision explanation of the eye facility in America is our vision is to deal with your vision. What's more, the vision of the adamjee pharmaceuticals is the name you have figure out how to trust. Strategic: proclamation is a short depiction of an organization central reason. Statement of purpose offer response the inquiry for what reason do we exist. The vision of virgin train is clear, it has extremely close connection to the all exercises of the virgin trains, the essential and central point of the virgin train is to accomplish the consumer loyalty and coordination among workers, consequently they have partitioned the entire exercises of the association into bunch they have created separate area for controlling the exercises of the virgin train and every locale is given over to administrator for best control. Every area of the organization is trying to amplify the nature of the administration to client and different destinations of the organization. Tony Collins the CEO the organization has settled the vision of the organization which has separated the organization with others, the principle subject of the vision of virgin train is to enable the workers to assume liability and responsibility for execution. This vision has worked with extraordinary degree. Furthermore, have assumed a significant job in changing the vision in cul ture of the organization. Vision encourages the association to meet the goal and focus with some fundamental beliefs. The vision of the virgin train is To turn into the most protected, predictable, dependable and productive of the train working establishments in an atmosphere that regards various perspectives and individuals need not be reluctant to be transparent. On the off chance that we see the vision of the virgin train it is clear structure the over that it set out the idea of gainfulness, security and obligation and client administrations and connection with them. Presently we will see that how the vision and culture of the virgin train have some connection or not. Culture is the method of working style in the association which is plainly concentrate from the conduct of he representatives, culture is the method of working exercises, that how the administrator act with workers while they are doing their exercises. What's more, how trough treats the subordinates. Culture additionally portrays the techniques and framework for exercises and care adjoin the client since clients are a definitive ru ler of the business. The virgin train vision and culture have solid connection transport in light of the fact that the vision of the virgin trains have given a strong base to culture of the organization, as we have concentrated for this situation investigation of the virgin train that they have now separated the exercises in various area and they have move from their customary idea to new one is the client is the need. We can see the way of life model how they have dealt with the way of life from their vision, the arrangement of toys in sitting areas to keep childrens upbeat. Virgin train likewise reassuring reusing in all workplaces. They have likewise reassuring workers to participate in correspondence and give proposal and offer thoughts of significant issues and difficulties. B) What impact association culture in change the executives. Above all else we should without further ado characterize that what is implied by culture, authoritative culture is an arrangement of shared significance held by individuals that recognizes the association structure different associations. (Stephens). Culture is likewise comprises of standard, values, perspectives, convictions, conclusion and custom and conventions of the representatives while accomplishing work in the association how they feeling and how they finding the spot for their selves. Variables affecting association culture: The accompanying components or variables can be sued to impact the association culture. a) Control framework b) association structures c) power structures d) the worldview e) stories and fantasies f) images and g) ceremonies and schedules a) Control framework: The framework to screen that what is happening in the association. b) Organization structures: The chains of importance of the association, the route through which the work can be continued, the lines of detailing and so forth c) Power structures. What is power based. Who will be liable for settling on choice, and how force can be broadly spread. d) The worldview; the association strategic. Qualities, vision, what it about, and why it exists. e) Stories and fantasies. Occasions must develop, and what is significant in association and what isn't, f) Symbols. The logos and plan of the association yet it likewise be expanded. g) Rituals and schedules. Meeting of the board, reports of the board thus one. C) Contribution of the Organization Structure to the accomplishment of the Change procedure. Association structure may characterize as authoritative structure is an arrangement of course of action, the example or system of connection, between the different positions and their holders. David Buchanan.) All association has a few points and destinations. To accomplish those destinations all association makes arrangement to control such exercises, which add to the accomplishment of the objectives. Such allotment of assets, management and coordination among the association components are created to comprise the association structure. What might be the structure of the association on the off chance that it is framework or undertaking, free structure yet with out legitimate structure of the association exercises no change procedure can be best actualized in the association since association structure makes it straightforward the entire exercises of the association and which help in the change procedure. So it is significant for the administration to grow such structure which controls the exercises of the association and to accomplish the objectives. Dwindle Drucker recommends a few standards for planning association structure these are; lucidity economy heading of vision understanding by in
Friday, August 21, 2020
Age invaders Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Age intruders - Article Example The mature age simultaneously, will procure off the laborers. The quantity of resigning individuals will increment with an un-coordinating infusion of the equivalent to the economy. Henceforth, this will prompt an eased back development in the economy. The most influenced divisions are the ones that need the youthful non-instructed individuals in the business. A portion of the works that need the informed individuals with more abilities have not be influenced much with the expanded number of the old. This is so since the greater part of the informed specialists in the United States and Europe over the age of 60 years are working at the pace of 65 percent. Simultaneously, much cash is paid to the maturing. For example, continuously 2010 12 percent of the wages were being paid to individuals more than the age of 60 (The Economist Print) To control deficiency of work somewhat, there is have to underscore on instruction to guarantee that individuals work for longer into their mature age. This is on the grounds that the greater part of the work done by the un-instructed individuals get more earnestly step by step since it needs more vitality. Be that as it may, this will influence some different divisions of the economy that need labor. A few nations like Japan have used the robots to complete manual work in the
Friday, August 7, 2020
Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia and the Fear of 666
Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia and the Fear of 666 Phobias Types Print Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia and the Fear of 666 By Lisa Fritscher Lisa Fritscher is a freelance writer and editor with a deep interest in phobias and other mental health topics. Learn about our editorial policy Lisa Fritscher Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Carly Snyder, MD on February 19, 2020 facebook twitter linkedin Carly Snyder, MD is a reproductive and perinatal psychiatrist who combines traditional psychiatry with integrative medicine-based treatments. Learn about our Medical Review Board Carly Snyder, MD on February 19, 2020 Photo © christian.plochacki/Getty Images More in Phobias Types Causes Symptoms and Diagnosis Treatment Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia is the fear of the number 666. Related to triskaidekaphobia, or fear of the number 13, this phobia has its origins in both religious belief and superstition. Some experts question whether hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia should be classified as specific phobia and view it as a fear-based on superstition. Most people find their fear does not significantly impact their lives, which is a necessary component of a phobia diagnosis. Origins The number 666 appears in the Bible, in the Book of Revelation. Revelation 13:17-18, in the King James version, states the “number of the beast†is “six hundred threescore and six†or 666. This reference appears to be the origin of the fear for some people. As written, the events depicted in Revelation are extremely frightening. When viewed as a literal transcription of what is to come, it is easy to see how a serious fear or phobia could develop. Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia in Pop Culture The prevalence of the number 666 in pop culture represents another trigger for this fear. Many horror movies use this number as a premise and tend to be supernatural thrillers that play on the association between the number and the Antichrist. Some films use doomsday scenarios, drawing on the number’s apocalyptic connotations.? Symptoms Fear of the number 666 can manifest in many different ways, depending on the severity of the phobia and include: Refusing to live in a home that bears this street number. For example, former President Ronald Reagan and wife, Nancy, moved to Bel-Air, Los Angeles, following his presidency. They changed the street number of their house from 666 to 668.Finding yourself making compulsive decisions to consciously avoid having the number occur in your daily life. For example, if a grocery total is $6.66, you may feel compelled to add or subtract an item.Driving around your neighborhood to change your odometer reading from 666 to 667 before you park your car.Becoming particularly nervous or uncomfortable if 666 appears frequently, drawing connections between coincidental events. Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia and Route 666 One of the most famous examples of the fear of the number 666 is the renaming of a famous highway in the American Southwest. U.S. Highway 666 was so-named by the American Association of State Highway Officials in 1926 according to official naming guidelines, as it was the sixth spur off U.S. Highway 66 (the infamous Route 66). Over time, the New Mexico section of Highway 666 proved to be statistically dangerous. Skeptics believe that this was due to the road being improperly designed or maintained for increasing traffic loads. However, many believed that it was actually the road’s name that caused accidents and fatalities. Soon Highway 666 became known as the Devil’s Highway. Treatments The fear of the number 666 is surprisingly common, although a true phobia is relatively rare. The course of treatment for hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia will largely depend on your goals for treatment. Are you trying to resolve conflicting religious views? Do you simply want to stop compulsive phobia-induced behaviors? For many clients, cognitive-behavioral therapy is an effective and highly successful treatment. This is true in most cases of specific phobia.
Monday, June 29, 2020
Campany Analysis Essay - 550 Words
Campany Analysis (Essay Sample) Content: Students NameCourse Name Tutors NameDate DueVODAFONEIntroduction Vodafone group plc is among the worlds leaders mobile telecommunications having a significant presence in Europe, Africa, Asia Pacific, the Middle East and United States through their undertakings, associated undertakings, joint ventures and investments ( They offer a wide range of world class services. Their telephone services include the manufacturer, operation as well as distribution of mobile phones and associated services. The company growth has been led by the fact that mobile phones have become necessities rather than luxuries which also has led to penetration into African countries, India and turkey, the areas which have great market potential. External Analysis of the CompanyThe Vodafone Company has been affected in their operations by external forces which include economical, political or legal, technological, sociological as well as environmental factors which all have an eff ect on the operation of the organization, affecting daily operations besides effect on their revenue. Industry Level AnalysisWe analyze the industry with help of Porters Five Forces Model. It indicates that the industry has a huge effect on the company operations with regard to competition, their customers, suppliers and the new market entrants. It goes without saying that the mobile industry is extremely competitive. It is important to consider the aspects of the industry because they are inextricably interweaved together as mobile handset makers and network operators work closely together. We note that for both cases, the industry appears oligopolistic as the main competitors include Nokia, Samsung and apple for handsets and O2 together with orange in terms of network operator competition especially for the United Kingdom. There is intense competition in manufacturing and network provision but the threat of new entrants is low because of regulation. The supplier and buyer power a re moderate due to fairly oligopolistic tendencies while the threat of substitutes to mobile phones is weak in the face of strong Vodafone handsets. Internal Environmental AnalysisThe Vodafone Company has strong resources in terms, tangible or intangible with strong financial resources their profits exceeding hundreds of millions annually ( This enables them to fund RD bringing about a larger market share. They are credited with development of the next generation of wireless standards which allow both voice and data on the same network providing evidence of innovation and intellectual property. They have a great employer brand because of strong human resource which enhances their image as employer as well as network operator which is evidenced by the Best Customer Care Award 2010 for Greece. The company resources linked to their RD, their own brand and exclusivities have enabled them to have control over resources, in turn making competition stiff for other players bes ides their low cost strategy which brings them lower margins and subsidies for their operations. Company StrengthsThere is strong RD which gives them competitive advantage to become market leaders in recent technology. By their exclusivities, they have advantage over blackberry in close to a dozen world markets even though this could be a temporary advantage in the market. They have a strong corporate culture which allows them to succeed. The strong financial base allows Vodafone enough room for any errors without driving their company to bankruptcy and also has ability to reinvest their resources in Europe so as to cope with competition in the region. Company WeaknessThe mobile phone market is saturated which makes it hard for Vodafone to stand out and above their competitors and yet Vodafone hardly has influence in the markets where they do the bulk of their business. Vodafone is not known for marketing activities despite their demographics they target ( note that some of the strengths of the company are potential risks if market conditions do not considerably change as some of the weaknesses could be their strengths for instance if they invest some of their resources in branding their handsets to make them safer, or greener along some of their competitors they could becomes the most innovative in the industry. Threats The saturated European markets - Europe is home to over 30% of phone subscribers but also brings over two thirds of revenue for Vodafone alone which demonstrates the dependence of the company on the continent (Indrayan). Given that in Europe mobile phone penetration is almost 100%, their growth scope appears very limited. Uncertainty of regulation the telecom policy as well as regulation is a challe... Campany Analysis Essay - 550 Words Campany Analysis (Essay Sample) Content: Students NameCourse Name Tutors NameDate DueVODAFONEIntroduction Vodafone group plc is among the worlds leaders mobile telecommunications having a significant presence in Europe, Africa, Asia Pacific, the Middle East and United States through their undertakings, associated undertakings, joint ventures and investments ( They offer a wide range of world class services. Their telephone services include the manufacturer, operation as well as distribution of mobile phones and associated services. The company growth has been led by the fact that mobile phones have become necessities rather than luxuries which also has led to penetration into African countries, India and turkey, the areas which have great market potential. External Analysis of the CompanyThe Vodafone Company has been affected in their operations by external forces which include economical, political or legal, technological, sociological as well as environmental factors which all have an eff ect on the operation of the organization, affecting daily operations besides effect on their revenue. Industry Level AnalysisWe analyze the industry with help of Porters Five Forces Model. It indicates that the industry has a huge effect on the company operations with regard to competition, their customers, suppliers and the new market entrants. It goes without saying that the mobile industry is extremely competitive. It is important to consider the aspects of the industry because they are inextricably interweaved together as mobile handset makers and network operators work closely together. We note that for both cases, the industry appears oligopolistic as the main competitors include Nokia, Samsung and apple for handsets and O2 together with orange in terms of network operator competition especially for the United Kingdom. There is intense competition in manufacturing and network provision but the threat of new entrants is low because of regulation. The supplier and buyer power a re moderate due to fairly oligopolistic tendencies while the threat of substitutes to mobile phones is weak in the face of strong Vodafone handsets. Internal Environmental AnalysisThe Vodafone Company has strong resources in terms, tangible or intangible with strong financial resources their profits exceeding hundreds of millions annually ( This enables them to fund RD bringing about a larger market share. They are credited with development of the next generation of wireless standards which allow both voice and data on the same network providing evidence of innovation and intellectual property. They have a great employer brand because of strong human resource which enhances their image as employer as well as network operator which is evidenced by the Best Customer Care Award 2010 for Greece. The company resources linked to their RD, their own brand and exclusivities have enabled them to have control over resources, in turn making competition stiff for other players bes ides their low cost strategy which brings them lower margins and subsidies for their operations. Company StrengthsThere is strong RD which gives them competitive advantage to become market leaders in recent technology. By their exclusivities, they have advantage over blackberry in close to a dozen world markets even though this could be a temporary advantage in the market. They have a strong corporate culture which allows them to succeed. The strong financial base allows Vodafone enough room for any errors without driving their company to bankruptcy and also has ability to reinvest their resources in Europe so as to cope with competition in the region. Company WeaknessThe mobile phone market is saturated which makes it hard for Vodafone to stand out and above their competitors and yet Vodafone hardly has influence in the markets where they do the bulk of their business. Vodafone is not known for marketing activities despite their demographics they target ( note that some of the strengths of the company are potential risks if market conditions do not considerably change as some of the weaknesses could be their strengths for instance if they invest some of their resources in branding their handsets to make them safer, or greener along some of their competitors they could becomes the most innovative in the industry. Threats The saturated European markets - Europe is home to over 30% of phone subscribers but also brings over two thirds of revenue for Vodafone alone which demonstrates the dependence of the company on the continent (Indrayan). Given that in Europe mobile phone penetration is almost 100%, their growth scope appears very limited. Uncertainty of regulation the telecom policy as well as regulation is a challe...
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Essay about Aristotle and John Stuart Mill on Happiness...
Aristotle and John Stuart Mill on Happiness and Morality In this paper I will argue that Aristotle’s conception of eudaimonia disproves Mill’s utilitarian view that pleasure is the â€Å"greatest good.†The purpose of this paper is to contrast Aristotle’s and Mills views on the value of happiness and its link to morality. First I will describe Aristotle’s model of eudaimonia. Then I will present Mill’s utilitarian views on happiness and morality. Lastly, I will provide a counterargument to Mill’s utilitarian ethical principles using the Aristotelian model of eudaimonia. In this section I will explain Aristotle’s definition of eudaimonia and its relationship to happiness, morality and the virtues. Aristotle defines eudaimonia in the†¦show more content†¦Thus, he introduces the idea of higher and lower pleasures. The higher pleasures are those of a higher quality of that are determined by â€Å"competent judges.†This competent judge is someone who is acquainted with b oth the higher and lower quality pleasures. In regards to morality, Mill anchors its definition on the premises of the greatest happiness principle stated above. Unlike Aristotle who puts emphasis on the agent (the person themselves) in regards to acting morally, Mill is very indifferent and states that the character of the person and their motives do not matter only the consequence of those actions matter. For Mill, the morality of the action only depends on whether that action will produce pleasure for greatest number of people. As state before, he explains that pleasure leads to happiness, and happiness is the ultimate goal of each individual. However, morality is â€Å"the rules and precepts for human conduct,†and not simply the causes of human behavior. Desire may drive human actions, but that doesn’t mean that desire should propel human actions. Morality is the ideal, not the reality. Because of his views on morality Mill would not agree with Aristotle that the completely ethical person will not be conflicted about his ethical choice. According to Mill a person could do the right thing, and act morally while also having the desire to do the wrong thing. To explain this, he gives the example of aShow MoreRelatedAristotle Vs. Mill : The Debate On Happiness1750 Words  | 7 PagesAristotle v. Mill: The Debate On Happiness Is there really one definition for what it means to be truly happy? A simple joy such as a piece of candy may bring happiness to one; whereas something much larger might be the determining factor for another’s happiness. The definition of happiness is one of the most debated questions among many different philosophers and people through out the ages. Aristotle and John Stuart Mill are two philosophers who had similar ideas regarding the definition of happinessRead MoreComparing Aristotle And John Stuart Mill1130 Words  | 5 PagesApril 2015 Essay 2 Comparisons on Pleasure in Morality The role of pleasure in morality has been examined thoroughly throughout the beginning of philosophy and continues to be a questionable issue. With these in-depth examinations, some similar outlooks as well as differing views have been recorded. Many philosophers have dissected this important topic, however I intend to concentrate of the famous works of Aristotle, Immanuel Kant, and John Stuart Mill. After meticulously analyzing each of theRead MoreJohn Stewart Mill and Aristotle on Happiness647 Words  | 3 PagesThe idea of happiness and the flourishing of man have been the foundations to modern philosophical thought. Aristotle and John Stuart Mill aimed to explain the origin to happiness, and their respective conclusions also resulted in the definition of morality; these conclusions also affected their view of women. Aristotle believed that it was the function of women to remain subservient to men so that man (the citizen) could flourish and provide the good life for the Po lis, whereas Mill denotes thatRead Moreâ€Å"Are You Happy Now?†Essay1541 Words  | 7 Pages Happiness is a term that typically has different definitions. Some define happiness, as the things one possess; others may define it as doing a good deed and the feeling one has after doing a good deed. Merriam-Webster defines happiness as, â€Å"a state of well-being and contentment†. Even Aristotle acknowledges that everyone disagrees on the definition of happiness because we all have a different thought-process and prior knowledge. Even though there are many definitions to happiness, both AristotleRead MoreIs Torture Morally Wrong?1265 Words  | 6 Pagesdebates over the morality of torture: (1) Does torture work? (2) Is torture ever morally acceptable? And (3) What should be the state’s policy regarding the use of torture?†(Vaughn, 605). Torture â€Å"is the intentional inflicting of severe pain or suffering on people to punish or intimidate them or to extract information from them†(Vaughn, 604). The thought of torture can be a means of promoting justice by using both the Utilitarian view and the Aristotelian view. Using John Stuart Mills concept of utilitarianismRead MoreThe Moral Dispute Of John Stuart Mill And Immanuel Kant1500 Words  | 6 PagesThesis statement The philosopher Aristotle took the challenge of developing a full-fledged account of virtues that could stand on its own merits rather than simply criticize. He spoke about Eudaimonia meaning happiness of which he defined as the good. â€Å"The good, therefore, has been well defined as that at which all things aim.†His theories for happiness and fulfillment followed a theme of pain and pleasure and the proper function. He raised objections to the normative theories by defining his oppositionRead MoreAristotle s Philosophy Of Morality And The Final Goal Of Human Life Essay1895 Words  | 8 PagesAristotle on Ethics The Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle s key study of morality and the final goal of human life, has for many years been a popular and persuasive book. It offers the modern reader many useful insights into human desires and behavior despite being thousands of years old. The overarching theme behind this book is Aristotle s assertion that there are no recognized unconditional moral standards and that every ethical theory must take into consideration an understanding of psychologyRead MoreAn Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation by Jeremey Bentham.1026 Words  | 5 PagesWhat is Utilitarianism? I believe that utilitarianism is the theory in which actions are right if they produce happiness and wrong if they don’t produce happiness. Happiness is what every human being look forward to. When making a decision, all possible outcomes must be ensured that it will lead to happiness. Utilitarianism is based on the principle of utility .Utility is the ability to be use ful while satisfying needs. Utilitarianism is generally considered a moral theory that was found by JeremeyRead MoreThe Nicomachean Ethics By Aristotle874 Words  | 4 PagesThe Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle â€Å"EVERY art and every inquiry, and similarly every action and pursuit, is thought to aim at some good; and for this reason the good has rightly been declared to be that at which all things aim†(Ross, n.d.). Aristotle believed that both external (wealth, material possessions) and internal (temperance, courage, etc.) contributed to a person’s happiness and that a person’s final goal was to find the â€Å"good†or their function in life. He also believed that theRead MoreA Decent Job At Separating Religion From Morality1405 Words  | 6 Pagesmay say religion relates to morals, apparently the philosophers we have covered thus far do not believe such a thing. For religious people, morality may be pushed by religion in their regards to the fear of the consequences god will bring if one disobeys his laws. Although this can be related to consequentialism, it is not the same kind of consequentialism Mills and Bentham use. Morals can be dependent of a n individual’s preferences depending on the individual’s motives behind their actions. If one
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