Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Is Humanity Suicidal? Essay
I do not think that humanity is suicidal, we just sometimes fail to realize the long-term effects that certain actions have on our environment. I completely agree with E.O. Wilson when he said, â€Å"We are smart enough and have time enough to avoid all environmental catastrophes of civilization-threatening dimensions.†Basically what he is saying is that we have the time and capability to prevent an environmental catastrophe, but the time to act is now. We as a society need to change our thought process in which â€Å"the mind works comfortably backward and forward for a few years, spanning a period not exceeding one or two generations†(Smith 3). We need to start thinking ahead and consider four to five generations ahead of us rather than two or three. The only way to achieve this is by spreading awareness. We need to start convincing people that changes must be made now in order to sustain our environment. People may not listen at first, but they will if enough people start to discuss it and it gains momentum. For instance, I can remember when the topic of electric cars first came up in the media about ten years or so ago. Back then, people laughed at the idea of an electric car, but now hybrids and non-gasoline powered vehicles have become a norm in today’s eco-friendly society. That is just one example, but there are many others in which society doesn’t take things seriously at first, but then comes to realize that maybe there is a problem and we should do something about it. All we can hope for is that we as a society address these problems sooner rather than later.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Adolescence and music
Consider the song lyrics provided below, both lyrics and performance, looking for themes or messages for adolescents or relating to adolescent development. You should describe the music and use the lyrics to explain what the lyrics communicate to adolescents and about adolescents, including an argument for whether or not there are cultural, moral, and political messages conveyed in the song. Finally, using what you have learned about adolescence, make an argument for why would this music appeal to adolescents Name: Course: Psychology 310, Fall 2006 Tutor: Date: University: Adolescence is a growth and development stage in ones life where a myriad of changes both in terms of psychological and physical terms take effect. However whether a teenager will successfully transit into adult hood or get trapped by the challenges of adolescence is shaped by amongst others, family, the trait of the adolescent, and the external environment with which the adolescent interact such as religious settings, as well as school (Steinberg, 1999)). This lyric song is made to investigate the changes both behavioral and emotional that are undergone by adolescents. Personality development in adolescents changes the way an adolescent views his/her self and the way the same views the outside world. The myriad of challenges an adolescent undergoes shapes his/her relations with peers. The song provided develops certain themes, which are all central to the life of any adolescent; most of the themes revolve around culture, and morality. Sex. Adolescence is a period characterized by the acceptance of ones sex and sexuality. In the song this comes out when the lyrics mention sex in connection with adolescence. It reveals the fact that adolescents are of sex and sex matters and this is well manifested in the phrase that, â€Å"The timing/and structure/ did you hear/ he fucked her? †Relations with peers. Adolescence is a time when teens depend on their peers for almost every decision they make. They constantly look for comments and recommendations from fellow adolescents whom they regard as their equal and have no fear for, unlike their parents whom they consider too â€Å" old fashioned to understand them†. In this lyric song, there is a line that, â€Å"I’ll turn to a friend, someone that understands†, that evidences this. Status transitions. Adolescence is a transitory period and a lot happens at the same time in the lives of adolescents (Arnett, 2004). In the song, this comes up clearly when the teen in the song juxtaposes and delves into the next stage of life, adulthood and even envisions a marriage life. Identity formation The many questions asked in the song point to the fact that the adolescent is in the process of discovering their identity in the society. This is a common trait in adolescents who tend to attach a moral connotation to every single happening to their life (Arnett, J. A. 2002). The lyrics keep on addressing the issue of morality by asking questions on whether this or that is right and wrong. An example is found on the line, did you hear/ he fucked her? Changing personal relationships. Unlike in childhood when one can virtually associate with any one, teens are very selective of whom they enter into personal relationships with. In the lyrics this is evidenced by the fact that the singer keeps talking of the relationship and in a way, protecting and shielding it from perceiving threats. This is evidenced by the statement that she will turn to a friend who is understanding. Individuation process. This is evidenced by the fact that the singer does not want to imagine any one taking his/her friend. It seems he/she is prepared to posses the friend alone and not any where near sharing the friendship. Forming and dissolving intimate relationships. It is evident that, from the sentiments in the song, the singer is ready to make or break the relationship. This is characteristic of teenagers and it is evidenced by the the phrase that, The charade/ it won’t last/ I won’t come back. Psycho social problems. As the song progresses, it becomes clearer that the adolescent has some psycho social issues which needs to be addressed. Adolescence period is full of problems especially emotional and unless well handled, one can suffer from depression. This can be evidenced by the phrases, â€Å"on losing/ and failing†, and ‘we’ll pretend it’s okay’. Cognitive development. There is clear evidence of developed abstract thinking since through out the song the adolescent is drawing his/her feeling from abstract analysis of situations and not from just observation. Evidence can be drawn from the line that, â€Å"and your pictures/ are falling down. †Effects. There is increased self-consciousness, which is the cause of the imagined audience evident through out the lyrics. This can be shown from the lyrics by the fact that the writer decides to turn only to an understanding friend. Conclusion. Adolescence is a challenging stage in life when a lot of psychosocial, cognitive and physical changes appear in the lives of adolescents. The song analyzed above will appeal to most adolescents because it addresses issues central to their growth and developmental needs. There is a need for more studies to be aimed at discovering remedies to the many challenges a teen is faced with. More over, it is crucial that the government comes up with programs geared at supporting the teens as well as the community in dealing with the challenges associated with adolelescence.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Political Parties in the American Revolution
By the beginning of American Revolution, the 13 Colonies already had a profound experience of own political living. Such brilliant personalities as Benjamin Franklin, Patrick Henry, Samuel Adams and Thomas Paine, later becoming Founding Fathers of a new nation were known as original philosophers, lawyers and politicians far behind the Colonies. Each of them, naturally, had his own idea of principles, upon which a State should be grounded and this lead to many years of debate, in which modern American political system was born. Most of them were followed by groups of supporters, who formed that, what later became fractions and political parties. In this paper I will investigate the origins of political parties in American Revolution and how their political concepts have been influenced by the views of their founders. The first matter, which has been debated by political fractions regarded the most basic question: whether to struggle for independence or not. On this grounds the colonists separated themselves into the Revolutionists (Patriots), the Loyalists and the Neutrals. Patriots included a wide range of social groups, united by the idea of independence. The minority, estimated about 15-25% of the population kept supporting the British rule[1]. They were typically older, than the Revolutionists and were known for their conservatism, as well as recent immigrants from Great Britain. After American victory in the War of Independence, some of the Loyalists moved to the neighboring British colonies of Quebec or Nova Scotia. However, Patriots and Loyalists can not be yet called â€Å"real†parties. Associated essay: What Led to the Rise of Political Parties in the 1790s Essay The first separation of the Founders themselves to distinct groups, struggling against one another, has happened at the ratification of the Constitution. The basic division was into Federalists and Anti-Federalists. Articles of Confederation were signed separately by representatives of each State and initially nothing, but a broad confederation of independent states was meant as a form of state structure for the USA. However, the most influential Founding Fathers, including military leaders, such as George Washington and politicians, such as Franklin, quickly came to understanding, that confederacies is a too weak form of state system, which would likely lead to further conflicts between separate states. After Shays' Rebellion Washington came to understand, that the Government can not be effective under Articles of confederation. Those could not satisfy their demands, and the federalists believed, that a new document, specifying basic grounds for a State must have been introduced. So, the Federalists started advocating a closer union with stronger powers of central government. And these were the Federalists, who proposed a project of the Constitution. To gain public support the Federalists issued that, what is now known as â€Å"Federalist Papers†and has been actually called simply â€Å"Federalist†. The writing included a series of 85 articles in support of Federalism with philosophic, politic and legal explanation of it’s benefits, authored by Madison, Hamilton, Burr and John Jay[2]. The Anti-Federalists included much less known representatives of lower classes, fearful, that stronger government would lead to hegemony of rich plantation owners and wealthy people. They pointed, that Articles of Confederation was a sufficient and effective document and the Constitution was simply unnecessary and dangerous for principles, upon which the American Revolution has been grounded. Under their opinion, that centralization would lead to abolition of freedom and corruption. Notably, Patrick Henry opposed the Constitution in his speeches, accusing Federalists of intention to make President an actual King. As he noted: â€Å"The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government  lest it come to dominate our lives and interests.†[3] Anti-federalists also strongly opposed the idea of Federal Court, declaring, that it will turn into a body of oppression and make local governments dependant on the will of the centre. Same as Federalists, the Anti-federalists tried to influence public opinion by their articles, issued under pseudonyms such as Brutus or Federal Farmer. Contemporary historicists gathered them into a collection, sometimes referred as â€Å"Anti-Federalist Papers†. Opposition appeared to be so strong, that in North Carolina and Rhode Island it managed to take over the public opinion and block ratification of the Constitution. Only the establishment of new governments allowed to adopt Constitution in those states. However, the opposition has not put up with the victory of Federalists, and their massive protests, led by Judge William West almost resulted in a civil conflict[4]. However, victory was on the side of Federalists, to a great extent due to Washington’s authority. As the first President said: â€Å"Constitution is a guide, to which I never will abandon†After weeks of fierce debate an accord, known as â€Å"Massachusetts compromise†has been signed between Federalists and Anti-Federalists and a recommendation has been included to the Constitution, that it must have been amended by a Bill of Rights. As the Constitution has been passed and became operative, both movements were so exhausted, that they started to decay. A new wave of Federalism emerged, based on the based policies of Alexander Hamilton, who stressed the necessity of strong national government and protectionist economy. Together with his allies Hamilton organized a national Federalist Party, which lead John Adams to be elected President. Nevertheless, with defeat of Adams at elections in 1800, the second Federalist party also felt into disfavor, until it took exit in 1821. The Anti-Federalists continued to advocate strict-constructionism and popular rights and was finally transformed into the Democratic-Republican Party of Thomas Jefferson[5]. The adoption of Constitution and early political of America has been characterized by sharp discussion and struggle of opinions. From the historic perspective, it is impossible to say, that Federalists were winners and Anti-Federalists were losers. Both parties made an outstanding contribution to the legal base of the USA – the Federalists by the Constitution, and the Anti-Federalists by the Bill of Rights. Therefore, it is possible to speac of normal democratic process, where every opinion is taken into account. SOURCES USED 1. Howard Zinn, A People's History of the United States: 1492-Present, Harper Perennial (Reprint edition), 2003 2. T. H. Breen, George M. Fredrickson, and R. Hal Williams, America, Past and Present, vol. 1 (until 1865), 8 ed. Longman, 2006 [1] Howard Zinn, A People's History of the United States: 1492-Present, Harper Perennial (Reprint edition), 2003, p.-243 [2] T. H. Breen, George M. Fredrickson, and R. Hal Williams, America, Past and Present, vol. 1 (until 1865), 8 ed. Longman, 2006, p.-190 [3] Howard Zinn, Ibid, p. 246 [4] T. H. Breen, Ibid, p. 201 [5] Supra Note, 203
Engineering Products Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Engineering Products Case Study - Essay Example 443-444). 1. EP is a British engineering firm. It is a first-tier supplier mainly of automotive components, with production and sales divisions located in the UK, Continental Europe (mainly France, Germany and Spain), North America, and other parts of the world. More than two-thirds of its workforce is in Continental Europe, which also accounts for nearly half of worldwide sales. 2. Customers, which comprise the multinational final produces for cards, demand a standardized product and have sought to standardise their methods of production through the sharing of â€Å"best practices†. 4. While generally the local company supplies local customers, Headquarters has taken a greater role in making decisions about sourcing, even entailing moving production from one country to another. The movement involves not only volumes but also manufacturing processes, thus encouraging greater coordination of manufacturing processes among the local companies. a. A performance-related-pay (PRP) package was implemented among the division’s plants, but local circumstances such that there were inequities in the measures of performance, the proportion of the workforce covered and the amount of their pay subject to performance measures; and c. International integration heightened internal competition among plants. One advantage is that afforded upward mobility to managers from all countries, and has abolished limits for promotions to within particular countries. However, it also engendered coercive comparisons among plants, reducing the bargaining power of employees, at times with the specific threat of closure. Environments and Operations (2004, p. 452), centralization for decision making and, thus, standardization, is determined by the pressure for global integration as against the pressure for responsiveness to local conditions. EP manufactures mainly
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Compare and Contrast of Renaissance Furniture Research Paper
Compare and Contrast of Renaissance Furniture - Research Paper Example The chairs had turned legs which were also carved by hand. Drawer fronts and doors were also carved delicately. This comparison gives us the idea that renaissance furniture was at first influenced by the Roman and Greek designs, and sooner they were adopted by the Italian craftsmen. The Italian renaissance furniture influenced many other styles as well as the Art revival period led to the enhancement of a different and unique style. The Italian renaissance furniture further inspired the Dutch furniture. Overall, the renaissance period had different periods in which different styles of furniture were present. All of the furniture pieces were carved and painted using themes of culture and history. The antiques were greatly inspired by historic and cultural symbols such as palaces, buildings, figures, flowers, and other significant figures. The renaissance furniture shows the transformation from Gothic designs, to historical and methodological, to cultural. Early furniture pieces were made and designed for the wealthy and royals while later it was seen that more domestic and original designs wer e made. With great changes in the renaissance era seen in education, arts, and literature, there was also significant change seen in the furniture characteristics. History of Furniture Design in the Renaissance. (n.d.). History of Furniture Design in the Renaissance. Retrieved October 15, 2014, from
Saturday, July 27, 2019
The Sonnet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Sonnet - Essay Example . A line of poetry that repeatedly uses an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable is called an iambic line. (Harrison, 68) The basic form of traditional Italian sonnets was different from the English or Shakespearean sonnet. â€Å"The Italian sonnet has two parts: an eight-line stanza called an octave and a six-line stanza called a sestet.†(Elizabeth and Hamilton, 263) However, its British originators introduced other elements related to human lives as well, and this required the traditional form of the sonnet to evolve accordingly. Consequently, the form of the sonnet changed to interweave multiple themes, for instance, in Sonnet 18, the principal themes are: beauty, life, death and eternity; while each theme is dealt in distinct quartos in a different way. This Sonnet like other Shakespearean sonnets has 14 lines in iambic pentameter, which are divided into three quatrains, followed by a couplet. The different parts of Sonnet 18 cater to different stages of the development and transition of thought or the central idea of the poem. In the first quarto of Sonnet 18, the poet introduces an object of comparison ‘summer’s day’ with his beloved’s beauty and analyzes different perspectives of this comparison. The use of comparatives like ‘more lovely and more temperate’ (2) and superlatives like ‘too short’ (4) enhance the comparison between the beauty of the poet’s beloved and the summer’s day. Hence, a summer’s day acts as a stimulant for the poet that becomes so inspired by its beauty that he deems it fit to be compared with his beloved’s beauty. However, once he begins to compare their beauties, he realizes that his beloved exalts in so many ways. The idea continues to develop in the second quarto where the emphasis switches from beauty to glory of a summer’s day. According to the poet, some days might be brighter than others,
Friday, July 26, 2019
Wound care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Wound care - Essay Example It is the hope of this author that such a unit of analysis will be beneficial in not only providing the reader with a more informed understanding of how this process normally takes place within the medical sphere; but also with regard to furthering best practices within the medical community and spreading awareness of common techniques and practices. One of the most overlooked aspects of wound care is with respect to the fact that many medical professionals focus too much attention on identifying the type of wound and follow a rather limited procedure in terms of how the wound should be addressed. For instance, a wound sustained as the result of a fall could easily have foreign objects embedded beneath the skin or other tissues of the body. Similarly, a persistent bedsore is not likely to have embedded material that could potentially cause issues with respect to treating in healing the wound at a later date. Yet, as a function of simplicity, many medical professionals are oftentimes tempted to treat all wounds in the same manner. This is not only a shortsighted approach, it does not benefit the ultimate health and Outlook of the individual patient in question. This necessarily brings the analysis to the first and most salient point that should be discussed. Essentially, the role of identifying the wound, asking salient questions , and gathering relevant information is the first and most important process that any medical professional should engage in prior to attempting to dress the wound (Chen et al., 2013). As illustrated previously, a fall or similar wound that could have introduced foreign particles beneath the skin or tissue requires an alternative approach as compared to a wound that was sustained without direct trauma being applied to the individual. Likewise, with a wound sustained as a result of a fall or
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Management Case Study on Sara Lee Corp Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Management on Sara Lee Corp - Case Study Example What is your assessment of the long-term attractiveness of the industries represented by Sara Lee Corp’s business portfolio? Sara Lee Corp is represented in four industries: packaged meat products, retail coffee and tea, bakery products and household and body care products. In two of this industries, packaged meat products and retail coffee and tea, Sara Lee had huge market shares that is could leverage to sustain its profitability and thus retain their attractiveness. In the packaged meat industry Sara Lee held huge market shares in several categories within North America: 30% smoked sausage, 23% hotdogs, 14% lunch meat and 58% breakfast sausage (Thompson & Gamble, 2010). Given the aging of the US population and general mean rise in per capita incomes, we expect the demand for convenience food to remain high. In retail coffee and tea, Sara Lee held huge market shares in the US, a few European countries and Brazil. Furthermore, it also sold the most single-serving coffeemake rs in Europe. With the global retail coffee market expected to grow from $51billion in 2009 to $62 billion in 2013 we can presume the industry will remain very attractive to Sara Lee. The bakery products success was limited to Spain and the US. With Spain’s economy doing poorly and huge costs incurred in the US while to secure shelf space in US supermarkets we find the long-term attractiveness of this industry to be low. In the household and body care industry Sara Lee’s Kiwi harbors the greatest potential to long-term attractiveness given that it was the number one shoe care brand worldwide with a global market share of 30%. We believe that the firm could use the income it obtains from Kiwi to sustain the brand’s competitive advantage. What does a 9-cell industry attractiveness/business strength matrix displaying Sara Lee’s business units look like? What is your assessment of the competitive strength of Sara Lee Corp’s different business units? Sa ra Lee’s North American Retail division, North American Foodservice division and International Beverage divisions all have very high competitive strength largely because they have strong portfolio of market leading brands within industries that have been projected to grow in future. The global retail coffee market is expected to grow from $51-62 billion by 2013, and with ageing populations in US and Europe, we expect the demand for convenience food to also rise. We also see the company innovating in the meat business (e.g. in meat slicing) and offering complimentary products in its coffee business (single-serve coffee machines). Sara Lee could leverage its market share as bargaining power over its suppliers and customers or enter into alliances to strengthen it further. On the other hand, the North American Fresh Bakery division, International Bakery and the International Household and Body Care divisions are not as convincingly as strong as the other three divisions. North A merican Fresh Bakery has well performing brands and strong market share however; we are informed that its revenue arose when the company negotiated for increased shelf space at supermarkets and other selling stores. Assuming that â€Å"negotiating†for more shelf space implies extra costs we would expect less profits accruing to the company in this arrangement. The fact that Sara Lee has to negotiate for extra shelf space to improve its revenues lowers this division’
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Do corporations have a social responsibility beyond just obeying the Essay
Do corporations have a social responsibility beyond just obeying the law - Essay Example To understand the basic definition of a corporation, one must understand its main objective. Every corporation, excluding a Club or Non-Profit Corporations, has a sole objective, i.e. making a profit. This is the basic foundation of every business and corporation that is created in the first place. The profit is basically the difference between the revenue that the corporation generated and the cost that it incurs. However, corporations do have to operate according to the law. For example every corporation pays taxes on its ‘sky high’ profits but is that the only thing a corporation should do for the betterment of society? Obeying the law includes several other things including labor rights, minimum wages, working conditions and several consume rights including misleading advertisement. â€Å"If ethics are poor at the top that behavior is copied down through the organization†quoted Mr Robert Noyce, the inventor of the silicon chip (Butler, 2003). Business ethics is one of the terms that many might have heard. Not many businesses run ethically but some businesses are adapting the ethical strategies for giving something back to the society.
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
The Constitution of the United States Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Constitution of the United States - Essay Example At the same time, the Constitution is not a book of statutes and so therefore overlapping interests have historically provided the crux of difficulties. As such, the Constitution may be said to be the very model of moderation in politics; it manages to make up for the absence of federal authority sorely lacking in the Articles of Confederation while at the same not avoiding the pitfalls of conferring such authority at the federal level that states have no access to redress grievances. The Constitution managed to achieve this tilting the balance of power into the middle ground between the federal and state levels. At the same time, the framers of the Constitution recognized that the primary failure of the Articles of Confederation was in giving too many rights to the states, leaving the federal government weak. The Constitution guaranteed that the ultimate power would rest in the hands of the federal government through the so-called "elastic clause" found in Article I, Section 8 of th e Constitution which endows the Congress with the power to "make all laws which shall be necessary and proper" to carry out its specific rights and responsibilities (Anderson 76). The separation of powers and the system of checks and balances is the single most useful aspect of the American democracy despite the fact it paradoxically seems to place limits upon the powers in charge. The necessity for placing limits on the three branches of government can be attributed expressly to the crucible in which the Constitution was drafted. The danger of not just executive tyranny, but also legislative and even judicious tyranny was ever present in the minds of those who had captured their freedom through the shedding of blood. The very concept of conferring authority upon a national government in which the legislative, executive, and judicial branches were connected and working dependently upon the other would mean too much concentrated power in too few hands. The writers of the Constitution instead looked to exploit the advantages of a fragmentary system of governance in which the three branches of the federal government work independently of each other, while at the same time being unable to act entirely on their own. The brilliance of the division of power within the federal government is that each branch has been given just enough power to make a difference, but not so much power as to be allowed to successfully give into the temptation of tyranny. Even today, in the atmosphere of an imperial President and lack of a strong legislative body, the idea that the President or Congress would actually engage in tyrannical methods seems far-fetched, but the framers of the Constitution who saw firsthand how absolute power could corrupt, it was truly a revolutionary leap forward. The limitations on power given to each of the three branches of government is known as the system of checks and balance and it is precisely the limits on power, rather then the authority given, that oils the machinery of democratic progress. Ambition has been counteracted by the placement of limits upon how much power the legislative, executive and judicial branches enjoy. For instance, the laws of American are created by Congress, but the President can use his veto power if he decides for some reason that the law is not just. At the same time the
Security and idententy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Security and idententy - Essay Example In the modern society, security does not refer to the state as a government or a territorial entity, but relatively as a collective identity of the nation. This indicates that, security in a society may be compromised by anything that compromises their identity (Panic 30). On the other hand, societal security relates to the capability of a society to preserve its essential characteristics in the face of variable circumstances despite of the potential and actual threats. In this case, security is compromised when a community perceives a threat as a hazard to its identity since identity is defined as a set of ideas and practices that recognize particular individuals as members of a social group (Panic 30). Moreover, nations are imaginary communities and national identities, which are the most important references object of the societal security. National identity, therefore, involves some forms of political community, common institutions and one code of duties and rights for all member s of the community. This identity also suggests a definite social space and demarcated territories, which are easily identified by members of the community (Panic 31). This means that community members have a feeling of belonging into this identity. This will, therefore, give a clear definition of a state as a group of people obeying similar rules and institutions within a given territory. According to David Campbell, there are two conceptions of a nation, which includes the civil model and ethics (Campbell 24). These are two predominantly conceptual territories, which need to be protected by the nation. This is due to the fact that nations have to possess compact, well-defined territories. Campbell indicates that territories cannot be just anywhere but must be... It is clear that security and identity have a deeper meaning rather than protecting the affairs of a country since, after the Cold War that appeared in European countries in early 1940s, there emerged new and complex security models of states and individuals. These new approaches were considerably divergent compared to traditional, narrow concepts since they indicate that something can be a security issue despite having no threat to the state. Different from traditional phenomena, other factors such as migrations and cultural identity challenges can contribute to identity securitization in a country. The identity of social group is the object of societal security concept. Social security is thus something concerning individuals and its nature in the prevailing economy. On the other hand, societal security relates to the collectivity of identities and actions undertaken with the aim of protecting such identities in a country.
Monday, July 22, 2019
The latter part of Act 3 in his play The Crucible The Crucible Essay Example for Free
The latter part of Act 3 in his play The Crucible The Crucible Essay The Crucible is a very enthralling play to read and especially to watch. The way that Miller is able to build up his characters and put them into such exaggerated situations in The Crucible is breathtaking. He has the ability to illustrate what might naturally happen in situations such as this, showing us periods within the whole scenario where things calm down, or reach a climax. He is a magician of the greatest kind, using words and stage directions to perform his feats of trickery rather than illusion. Act 3 of the play is undoubtedly a climax and the setting of the scene introduces us to a much more sinister turn of events than might be expected in another setting. According to Millers own stage direction the Act is set in the vestry room of the Salem meeting house, described as a solemn and heavy room. Hence the atmosphere and setting are perfect in creating a feeling of extreme McCarthyism, a period where accusations were thrown out left and right in the American government, each participant in the fight not willing to take the punch, but diverting it to another contestant when it gets too close. All this time I think the one controlling it all, the referee of the match, the manager of all the teams if you will, is Abigail. This play is set in Salem, a time in the seventeen or eighteen hundreds, when most racial and religious minorities had moved to the new America. This play in particular focuses in a small Puritan town where religion is held at the forefront of society. In this time acts of God and of the devil were, wholly believed, and in this small town a group of young girls played on this immense superstition for their own gains. That is where the story is set, the girls blamed people they disliked of witchcraft and hundreds of people were burned on false accusations. But this play was in fact written as a reflection of the earlier part of this century, where a senator by the name of Joseph McCarthy played on the American peoples fears of communism to rise to fame. He, like the girls, told the government that he had a list of communists present in the American government, in Hollywood and in most walks of life. He ruined thousands of peoples livelihoods, but never had any evidence against anyone. This terrible time in the 1920s to 40s is what Miller wants to really reflect upon in his play.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Learning Assessment Of Mentor Meetings Personal Development Essay
Learning Assessment Of Mentor Meetings Personal Development Essay 1. What did you learn from the meetings with your project mentor, including the presentation that you gave to your project mentor? First of all, I was aware that three meetings with my project mentor are very important to accomplish the whole project successfully. Before meeting with my mentor, I read all the topics and try to choose the topic which is relevant to my previous study. Once the topic has been chosen, I planned and scheduled the time and place to meet with my mentor as well as organised the data to use in our first meeting. 1.1 Meeting 1 Before the first meeting, I thoroughly research about the company I chose for my project on the internet to ensure that the sources for this company are available. After that, I prepared all the necessary documents, which contain the chosen topic, aims and objectives, ratios and methods of information gathering of my project. Then I called the mentor to take an appointment and sent the documents I prepared. During the first meeting, as a first step, we discussed about the documents which I sent to her, and she suggested me to keep a diary to make our discussion up to date. She also pointed out my weakness and explained me how to use business models in which situation. She also advised me to read about information gathering techniques and data collecting methods as I intended to rely on the internet so much to collect data. She recommended me to visit City business library to gather information efficiently. From the first meeting, I had learnt that I have some weakness in using business models and information gathering methods. I realised that I should use secondary data rather than primary data as they would be very difficult to find and take a lot of time. I also realised that I should not rely on the internet too much as it is hard to tell that the information on the websites is reliable or not, so I decided to visit the library frequently. After the first meeting, as my mentor mentioned, I visited to the City Business Library and downloaded the business and financial information from Datamonitor, for both Google Inc. and Yahoo Inc. Then I read through the reports of both companies. I also read ACCA text books and other relevant books to enhance my knowledge. With the use of Microsoft Excel, I drew financial ratios for three years for both companies and managed to finish Income statement and Financial Position and SWOT and Porters five forces, draft analysis of my project. During research, I noted which area I needed to improve and what question should I ask to my mentor. So I realised that how self- evaluation is very useful and effective in doing research. 1.2 Meeting 2 Prior to second meeting, I emailed my RAP to my mentor and organised documents for the meeting. At second meeting, we discussed about my draft analysis and my mentor pointed out some problems on my analysis. She also explained the importance of improving the critical analysis skill. This time, my mentor was quite pleased about the improvement of my information gathering skill. However, my mentor was critical on my referencing and citations as I had the lack of references in some parts of my project. Then, I asked her what I have to prepare for next meeting. After the second meeting, I had learned that I still needed to improve in accurate referencing and had some weakness in research skill. As my mentor had explained me the importance of critical analysis skill, I tried to read books relevant to analysing skill to improve in this area. On the other hand, I found it difficult to manage the time as I was studying for ACCA exams as well. So I was worried that I could not finish on time. 1.3 Meeting 3 I realised that third meeting was very important for me as this would be the last meeting for us. So, I edited some parts of my research which my mentor mentioned, and I had made sure to finish every section of the project by checking from the beginning to the conclusion, as well as the correct referencing. After that I started to prepare sides for the presentation with Microsoft Powerpoint and read some books to improve my presentation. Before the meeting, I sent my project and presentation slides to my mentor, and also I kept a copy of presentation slides at home to practice as my mentor suggested. Although I prepared carefully for my presentation, I was quite nervous when doing the presentation. I had experienced that good presentation skill is very crucial for my future career. And I also learned that taking feedbacks from others is also important to finish a project smoothly. 2. How well do you think that you have answered your research questions? Although I was satisfied with my whole project, I was not pleased with the depth of the answers to the research questions since I had decided to use secondary data rather than primary data due to the time and fund limitations. If I had been able to collect primary data,I would have been able to research more insightfully and acquire more balanced perspective by using both primary and secondary data. As the companys Annual report was my primary data, I had tried to approach financial position based on information presented in financial statements. Despite the limitations to gather company information, I had managed to collect all the information I needed for my financial analysis by reading news, books and using internet. For non-financial analysis, I would have been able to answer the research questions in more depth if I had to access primary data such as internal audit reports. However, I had managed to analysis the non-financial performance of the company by using secondary sources. To meet the criteria of the project, I was aware that I must answer all the research questions carefully. Answering my research question also reflected the knowledge of the work I had prepared and developed the skills to complete my project. Moreover, I had gained questioning skills during undertaking project. To write a meaningful and reasonable report, I had always tried to use reliable sources to avoid unfair judgments. Choosing Google for my RAP also offered a lot of sources to collect information. I believed that I had done productive ratio calculations to understand the situation of Google Inc comparing to Yahoo Inc. I also concentrated when analysing financial and non-financial data to ensure that they meet the purposes of RAP. After finishing my project, I was able to learn more about the organisation than before. Moreover, I believe that the topic I chose was right for me as I could apply my academic knowledge to the project and help me increase my skills and experiences. 3. How have you demonstrated your interpersonal skills and communication skill during the project work? Communication skills play vital role in our daily life, as how we interact with others can greatly affect our professional and personal lives. Hence when meeting with my mentor, I concentrated on what we were discussing and carefully listened to my mentors feedbacks and suggestions. Before each meeting, I always wrote down the questions I wanted to ask my mentor. So I was able to save a lot of time when meeting with my mentor. Also I tried to visit websites and reading books to improve my communication skills during undertaking project. When I speak to my mentor, I always tried to speak clearly and precisely and my mentor had no difficulties in understanding me. Therefore, I believe that I could communicate with my mentor effectively. Effective communication skills include active listening, praise and encouragement, paraphrasing, questioning, reflecting, and non-verbal communication.(Central TB Division, n.d). Listening skill is also essential when communicate with others. During the first meeting, sometimes, I lost my concentrating when listening to my mentor. Therefore, I had to ask my mentor to repeat what she just said and thus wasted our time. So I realised that I need to pay more attention when my mentor speaking and tried to improve listening skill by reading articles about effective listening skill. By listening to my mentor carefully and followed her useful suggestions precisely helped me gain the confidence and guided me to complete the project in time without difficulties. After all, these communication skills gained during the project period will help me in studies as well as in my future career. 4. How has undertaking the Research and Analysis Project helped you in your accountancy studies and/or current employment role? Undertaking the Research and Analysis Project (RAP) helped me improve my accounting knowledge by applying ACCA accounting concepts into real life project and enhance my interpersonal skills as well as project management skills which are essential to have as an account. First of all, I have noticed the difference between applying financial theory at exams and applying theory onto research project. For practices and exams, I have to use financial ratios to evaluate the case scenarios. However, time is limited so that I just use the significant ratios which come to my mind and which seem to be appropriate based on my study practices. In order to evaluate the financial performance of Google Inc., I need to think carefully what ratios are suitable and for what reasons I have to apply those. By doing so, my understanding on accounting ratios increases and my thinking becomes more practical. Thus, for future accountancy studies, I believe that I can justify the exam scenarios more reasonably by analysing different perspectives. Project management skill is one of the critical success factors for RAP. Without this, I will not be able to complete my project. If I did not undertake this project, I would not see how important the project management skill is. I have learnt how to plan my work and manage time to finish each workload on time through lesson learnt and with help of my mentor. Increased in planning and time management skills would help not only to my study but also to my work. All my work performance has been significantly increased through planning in advance. Another skill I have gained from carrying out this project is communication skill. As a volunteer accountant, I have to deal with my supervisor and colleague two days a week. I feel that my communication skill has been improved and I am now able to discuss the topics and debate all possible solutions with confidence at the meetings. Moreover, utilising presentation idea, I can illustrate things better and persuade them to accept my idea. Eventually I have learnt how to develop a formal report efficiently and effectively using Microsoft Office Word and Excel. Reporting and accountant cannot be separable as an accountant is a key person to interpret all financial data into manageable information via management reports. This project highlights my weakness in reporting skills and gives me a chance to improve those areas. Thus, I would be able to write a good report for my future ACCA exams and all the way through to my career. Writing a report also boost the research and analytical skills. In conclusion, I have achieved a variety of skills by performing this research and analysis project such as project management skill, communication skill and reporting skill. Those skills are useful for both academic and working life. In addition, I have clear understanding on the financial techniques of how to analyse the position of individual organisations. Reference and Bibliography Central TB Division, (n.d). Improving Interpersonal Communication Skills in RNTCP Training[Online]. Retrieved from: [Accessed 19 April 2010]
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Essay --
What is commonly referred to as Islamic terrorism is based on grievances in the Muslim world that stem from the perception that the United States is only continuing what the "West" has done historically: interfere with and invade Muslim countries. "It isn't McDonalds, it's not bikinis, or our form of government," noted one panelists. The United States needs to focus more on using soft power and repairing its reputation rather than hard military power. It is important to distinguish among different types of terrorists and deal with each kind accordingly. The strategy used against one type might prove to be counterproductive or have the opposite effect on another group. Panelists agreed it is critical to differentiate between tactical/local terrorists and strategic/global ones. Tactical terrorists use violence to achieve a specific political (usually local) goal and are willing to negotiate with their announced enemy. They usually have a political wing along with their military one, which signals that the group can be negotiated with and that it has the potential to transform into a more political and social force. Strategic terrorists in contrast are not too concerned with politics and are instead in a state of perpetual global war against perpetual enemies. They reject all other opinions and believe they have a monopoly on truth. Negotiation with such a group is impossible. The goal of an effective counterterrorism strategy would be to fracture the alliances that global/strategic groups have with local/tactical ones. This could be done by deterring the local/tactical ones from aiding and operating with Al Qaeda types. Making sure the cost of cooperating with Al Qaeda might include the loss of a local group's political objective is... ...with the creation of Resolution 1624 to deal with the incitement of terrorism. So you've got this web, a proliferation of committees on a bureaucratic level to make them look like they're doing something in the Security Council. But really, there's a lot of overlapping mandates. And a lot of people, including the U.S. government, are scratching their head, wondering really how effective all of these new committees can be in dealing with the problem. And to add to that, an executive directorate was created with 20 new experts by the counterterrorism committee, that now goes on site visits all over the world. So they have two components to dealing with terrorism. It's really more focused on capacity building, helping states to get the wherewithal, the means to deal with terrorism, than there is any of these compliance issues, reporting them to the Security Council.
The Debate Over the Origin of Modern Homo Sapiens Essay example -- Ant
The Debate Over the Origin of Modern Homo Sapiens There has been a great deal of heated debate for the last few decades about where modern Homo sapiens originated. From the battle grounds, two main theories emerged. One theory, labeled â€Å"Out-of-Africa†or â€Å"population replacement†explains that all modern Homo sapiens evolved from a common Homo erectus ancestor in Africa 100,000 years ago. The species began to spread and replace all other archaic human-like populations around 35,000 to 89,000 years ago. The rivaling opinion, entitled the â€Å"regional continuity†theory or â€Å"multiregional evolution†model refutes this theory and states modern humans evolved from various species of Homo erectus who interbred with others that lived in places such as Asia, Africa, and Europe. These scientists believe this theory would explain why there are differences among races around the world. As sound as the regional continuity theory appears, it seems to be slightly lacking in genetic support. It appears that most of the support of this theory depends on fossil record which is important information but not stable evidence. The Out-of-Africa theory relies on more than just fossil evidence but a combination of fossils and genetic studies. It is important to use this information as well as the fossil records because â€Å"various interpretations of the transition are possible if researchers concentrate on only fossil evidence, while the mtDNA studies more strongly support replacement†¦.the best approximation of the process still appears to be an African-based spread†(Nitecki and Nitecki, 1994). In a time where technology is becoming an integral part of society, it is easier to discover information that did not seem possible before. ... ...and Matthew Nitecki, eds. (1994). Origins of Anatomically Modern Humans. Plenum Press, New York. Noble, Ivan. (2001). Boost for ‘Out of Africa Theory [online]. BBC Available from: [Accessed 24 March 2001]. O’Hanlon, Larry. (2002). New Out-of-Africa Theory Unveiled [online]. News Brief Available from: [Accessed 1 April 2004]. Reuters. (2001). Scientists Challenge Evolution Theory [online]. ABC News Available from: outofafrica010109.html [Accessed 24 March 2004]. Roach, John. (2002). Skull Fossil Challenges Out-of-Africa [online]. National Geographic News Available from: [Accessed 24 March 2004].
Friday, July 19, 2019
Do Not Go Gentle IntoThat Good Night by Dylan Thomas Essay -- Not Go G
Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night by Dylan Thomas Many people get to the end of their lives and only then do they realize what they have missed. They realize that there is something that they just did not do in life and they try to do that thing before life's end. The poem, 'Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night' by Dylan Thomas, is based around five people. There is a wise man, a good man, a wild man, a grave man, and a father. For some reason, others more obvious than the ones before them, they have reached life's end. They are about to pass on into the next life; however, before they can pass on they each have some issue or loss in life that they must fix. The first example in poem is the wise man. Wisdom is often associated with age and maturity. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the word wisdom means "the accumulated philosophic or scientific learning, the ability to discern inner qualities and relationships". It also means "good sense, generally accepted belief, a wise attitude or course of action and the teachings of the ancient wise men". If that is true then what does one so keen, so aware of how living things must cease to live, have to fix? Dylan Thomas appears to be telling us that wise men fear that they have not given their wisdom to others appropriately. It seems that wise men worry that all the wisdom they have accumulated over the many years of their existence was of no matter. Thomas has an eloquent way of phrasing things, ?Though wise men at their end know dark is right Because their words had forked no lightning they Do not go gentle into that good night? (Thomas ll. 1-6). To reiterate my point Thomas used the term of forked lightning this represents the wise men's words. Lightn... ... is even near being fought. No one enjoys the fact that soon there comes a life?s end, but it does. The problem is that people often try to find what they have not done in life instead of what they have. The past is a play, whether or not you as a character in the great play have a big part or little one it does not matter. What matters is that you appreciate what you did in life and what you have gained from being alive. Works Cited Kubler-Ross, Elizabeth. Living With Death and Dying. New York: MacMillan, 1981. Lucas, George. Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace. Hollywood: 20th Century Fox, 1999. Shakespeare, William. Julius Caesar. The Complete Works of William Shakespeare. London and Glasgow: Collins. 876. Thomas, Dylan. ?Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night.? Literature and Ourselves. Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers, 1997; 553.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Managing Financial Resources and Decision
Every business needs four major types of resources classified in two ways: men, money, machine and material or land, labor, capital and enterprise. As it can be seen the financial resources are compulsory, every business having allocated a department that manages this resource (the Finance Department) and a person that is in charge of its activities (the Finance Manager). Financial resources can be provided by a range of sources. This range depends on the type of the business, which can be classified as sole traders, partnerships and companies (private or public).Financial resources are in turn classified considering the period of time when they are available (short, medium and long term), and the origin environment (internal or external). The sources available for a sole trader are personal capital, retained profits, sale of assets, actions of hire purchase, of sale and lease back, loans and credit lanes from banks of informal loans (borrowings) from friends, acquaintances. Addition ally, for the other types, finance can come from admission of new partners in the business, bank overdrafts, venture capital and share capital.For London Woods ltd the financial resources of the private sector company are represented by the sale of the furniture produced (the selling price for a chair in 2013 is 45 pounds, while monthly sales vary between 100 and 120). A long-term loan already borrowed according to the income statement for 2011 and 2012 is another financial source of cash. But in contract with ordinary shares generated for investors, which are the permanent capital of the company, the loan will be integral returned after several years, during which is cost is estimated at a 12% interest rate.A recent available source are the 3000 pounds made available for a brand manager in the Latin America, while the production and the revenues from that sales are a potential source of liquidity. 1. 2 Before they are chosen, sources of finance must be evaluated after considering t he following aspects relates to the business itself or the source: what amount of money is necessary and in what time, what is the cost of the source (interest rates, dividends etc.), the risk involved, the duration of the contract (between company and supplier of finance), the control of the business over the source or aver the ability to pay back finance received and the gearing ratio of the company (the relationship between what is owns and what is owes).For example, long-term loans and ordinary shares can generate a greater amount of capital than personal savings or the sale of assets. But while the company must return in time the amount borrowed from a bank it can have as permanent capital the money invested by shareholders.Also, while the interest rate is fixed and included in every payment, dividends are paid only when the company generates profit. Thus, the company has more control over finance if is source are investments rather than bank loans. 1. 3 The mentioned sources b ring simultaneous benefits and disadvantages for the business organization. Personal savings are interest free, do not need to be returned necessarily at a certain time, no collateral part is involved and no paperwork is required, but it cannot provide large amounts and can interfere unexpectedly with cash flow if money is demanded before due time.Retained profit is the company’s own revenue which does not need to be returned or to pay interest, debt does not increase and its future allocation can remain confidential. On the other hand, retained profits are available for developed, growing business and not for starting or bad-performing businesses. Finance resulted from selling assets is similar: the business finances itself with possible large amounts, only that those assets will not generate profit from the selling point, and it can be expensive later on, if it needs to be purchased.Ordinary shares are advantageous because they can raise large amounts of permanent capital f or which dividends are paid only the company is profitable, but they incur issuing costs and the amount of capital cannot be minimized later. Preference shares do not give the right of decision through vote and they require a fixed profit in return, even if the company makes a smaller profit or even a loss. Similarly debentures do not allow the right to vote, are redeemed when surplus profit is obtained, if not payment of interest rate must be done at a fixed date.These features apply to loans, bank overdrafts. The hire purchase method has the advantage that the company can make use of the asset before it pays for it but probably will be pay more for it than its value. Venture capital is beneficial because investors are highly interested in the business’s success over a period; investors share profits and may wish to influence strategic decisions. Discounts assure a quick receive of money but debt is collected by the client company itself and thus resources are wasted in debt collection.2. 1 Being vital for the business’s operations, financial resources (the life blood of business) have attached a certain cost: sometimes a price paid for their availability and most certainly an opportunity cost in the form if the second best way in which they could have been allocated. Personal savings, bank loans, overdrafts, debentures, venture capital, factoring, invoice discounting require the payment of an interest rate, in addition to the amount lend to the business.Retained profits have attached the opportunity cost: depending on the size of it, profits can be allocated to many departments: they can be invested in research and development, in the extension of fixed assets for the increase of production, in more advertising, can be used in the employed of experts, skilled people. The cost of selling assets is that of the revenue from the goods that would have been produced, but also the difference in the selling price and the purchase price.Apart from the d ividends paid in return, issuing ordinary shares determines administrative costs with the stock exchange listing fee, printing, distribution and advertising fee. The cost in hire purchase actions and leases is the price that the company pays for the item and the cost of ownership over it, since even if the organization paid 90% for the item, it is still owned by the leasing company. Grants are financial resource that does not require any fee.Planning is usually regarded as one of the first major steps (among generating ideas, assessing feasibility, collecting external information) that needs to be developed in concern with doing a business, a project, presentation etc. As money is a core resource for the business so is financial planning. This stage within a business it used in order to determine over a period of time how will a variety of resources be allocated in order to have both effective and efficient results. Or, it can be used to assess how well the available resources were used in a previous period of time (a quarter, half year, a year).Financial planning has in addition a few key benefits. It is efficient because it takes in consideration future needs: a business must always be aware of next activities from the â€Å"to do†list. Considering next tasks is helpful in being on time: organizations have to prepare now, in advance, what is required later so it do not miss opportunities. This gives assurance to stakeholders that the company is well-managed and creates a pleasant working environment, where lower levels employees know very well what to do.It helps businesses to compare the different alternatives between resource allocation in order to perform activities in which they have a smaller opportunity cost. Planning constantly also provides the opportunity to monitor, control activities and be financially sustainable for the organization and its stakeholders. 2. 3 The decision making process is represented by information needs required by dec ision makers. The decision makers or the organization are the stakeholders that have an interest in respect with the activity of the organization. They are divided between internal and external parties.The internal parties are the shareholders and their information need is to know the risk implied by their investment or the return that can generate in order to sell shares or to buy and if the company is able to pay dividends. Employees, another important category wants to know is the business is well-performing in order to deduce the stability, the prospective, and any remuneration and benefits that their current vacancy within the company offers. Suppliers are interested to know if in short term the business as able to pay for the goods supplied.Lenders, an important category of external stakeholders, need the same information, but for the long term. Continuation of operations is also a concern of customers, especially if they have a dependence on the company’s activities. G overnments and regulators are interest in how the business is caring operations in order to compare it with regulation and law, so that the organization is operating legally. The public, a general external category of stakeholders is interested in the performance of the business for the need of economic stability and available jobs.2. 4 In the study case of London Woods there are several sources of finance with impact in the financial statements (the profit and loss account, the balance sheet, and the cash flow statement). A major source of the finance is the firm’s production of furniture which if it is sold is incurred in the profit and loss account, while the remaining stock is stated as a current asset on the balance sheet. Another source of finance proposed for the business, as Mathew claims, is two machines that will generate more revenue but are going to cost 4 million pounds.The prices paid will be incurred in the expenses section in the income statement and the value of the two machines will be included under the asset’s column in the balance sheet. The machines would have to be bought by first taking a loan with an interest rate of 12%, which will have to be stated under expenses in the income statement, while the loan must be declared in the long-term liabilities section in the balance sheet. According to the profit and loss account a current source of finance is the shareholders capital, a current loan which costs the business 550 (interest rate) and the debtors, which are customers of the organization.The company does not have to buy the machine B, as the results are negative and the company does not have enough money. 4. 1. Finance is used to create before or at the end of time periods financial statements that help in planning activities, in recording performance and in assessing the current state of the business. Finance is used to create three types of financial statements. The profit and loss account assesses if past activity us ed effectively the allocated resources. The balance sheet is a summary about the assets, liabilities and liquidities of a business at the end of a business term.Finance also generates information about sales, purchases and labor costs. All this information can be further used in setting budgets for next business terms. Budgets can be used to determine future quantity and price of sales, production, materials, labor, manufacturing overhead, selling and administrative costs and in the end the final cash budget. Based on previous information, when they are creating budgets managers can take measures that reduce costs, increase profits, improve work efficiency or increase productivity and can find information like when to make new purchases of machinery, materials etc. 4. 2.Financial statements do not differ substantially of those of a sole trader as they rely on the same accounting principles. Both balance sheets of both companies will be calculated using the simple formula according w hich equity equals assets minus liabilities. The financial statements of the fictional sole trader Olivia Boulton1 and those of The Coca-Cola Company2, registered in the USA are relevant in this way. Although they use the same principles, the statements of the two operators are slightly different in content. Olivia Boulton, as a sole trader runs a small business (she sells cookware goods designed in Italy).Profits are usually small and re-invested in the business, but the possibilities for expansion are limited. Sole traders are the owners of the business who can run it independently and do not involve other in decision making. A sole trader takes the risk of compensating liabilities with his own goods. In comparison, The Coca-Cola Company a public limited company owned by anonymous shareholders, which generated large profits and pays dividends and caries operations globally. The financial statements of Olivia Boulton contain the traditional elements of a profit and loss account and of a balance sheet.The profit and loss account which states the net profit incurred in the period, calculated by eliminating expenses from income or gross profit, starts with the estimation of sales, purchases and stock in order to determine the gross profit. The expenses include liabilities regarding the interest rate of a loan, wages plus other administrative expenses (rent, travelling). The balance sheet has a simple format too. The fixed assets are only represented by the premises and the shop fittings, current assets include stock, debtors, bank and cash, while on the liability column the only type of tax incurred is the VAT (value added tax).In the case of Coca-Cola the statements look different. The cost of goods sold is directly stated as well are the selling, general and administrative expenses. The major difference is the emphasis of the tax incurred and the dividends paid (basic net income per share, diluted net income per share, and dividend per share). The balance shee t contains other elements too. A great amount of the company’s assets are represented by investments, trademark with indefinite lives, goodwill, intangible assets, bottler’s franchise rights with indefinite lives. Under the liability column the amount owned for loans long-term debts are much higher.After taking liabilities, the company’s equity is much more elaborated and allocated to multiple purposes: a part is reinvested, a part is allocated to shareowners, another one to non controlling interests, while other incurred as capital surplus. 4. 3 a) Net profit margin: Op * 100 : sales revenue: 370*100/4990 =7. 4 b) Current ratio current assets/current liabilities: 1540/790 = 1. 9 c) Quick ratio current assets – current stock/current liabilities: 1540-680/790 =860/790=1. 08 d) ROCE for year 2012: 370*100/1850=20% ROCE for year 2011: 510*100/1900=26. 8% e) Assets turnover ratio: 4990/1850=2. 69; f) Debt/Equity ratio: 550/1850=0. 29
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
The effect of inadequate protection of migrants in the food
The look paper critically analyses the issuing of in capable protection for migratory workers in the nutrient and boozing dig up. The interrogation identifies the pretermit of up to(predicate) shelter, anti-in-migration laws and wishing of rudimentary citizens rights.A critical digest of the data sources and methods applied is considered. The Literature analyze section highlights the work of other questi iodiners with gaze to the research question What merely does it esteem to pronounce that migratory workers miss adequate protection in the provender and beverage exertion A further compend on the methodology is conducted which includes paygrade of caparison conditions, the bushel of plying, animals salary and the No- Match analysis.The research paper is then conducted by foreground the circumstance that there atomic outlet 18 job shortage in the industry, therefore there is an increased dependency on migrant workers. Despite this fact, migrant wor kers atomic number 18 odd without good conditions of service and ultimately lack of adequate protection especially with the anti- immigration laws in specify.The paper then concludes by proposing fail rights and protection for migrant workers in the solid food for thought for thought and beverage industry.PurposeThe purpose of this research is to critically assess and analyse the effect of myopic protection of migrants in the food and beverage industry.ScopeThis research identifies the lack of housing, anti- immigration laws and basic citizens rights in the food and beverage industry.Data, sources and Methods applied.An assessment of the housing conditions of the migrants was evaluated.The Sonoma and Napa counties of calcium was studied. The total numbers racket of the combined work pass was obstinate and thereafter the percentage and number of migrants that come a shelter was then evaluated.A survey of the impact of staffing and dress serve as a result of anti-immigrant laws was carried out. twelvemonthly salary and the job satisfaction was surveyed among the migrants.Finally, the call of the NO -MATCH data in the enforcement of immigration laws evaluated to show the effect of incorrect earning and info of migrant workers in the food and beverage industry.LimitationsCertain limitations were encountered in this research. The effect of haywire medical service and due requital accommodate non be considered in detail due to the lack of germane(predicate) data.LITERATURE REVIEWRobert Mondavi has often menti unitaryd, atomic number 20 has the soils and climate. calcium along with Australia, has led the wine-colored world in technical advance in the winery and now in the vineyard- although there is so far work to be done there. California can postulate with other wine producing divisions at about every price level. From $5 a bottle to $100- plus, (Mondavi, October 2002). Over the pact fifty dollar bill years, national surveys of Americans (NORC 1947,1972-98 Harris 1973,1981)Shows consistently that California has one advantages everyplace the competition the vineyard workers. at that place isnt another vine growing region that workers with the worth ethnic the ability to chop-chop learn necessary skills and the bliss of lifetime that California has with its Mexican and other Latin American field workers. They are an summation that can hardly be metrical in dollars.The Sonoma and Napa counties alone name a combined harvest custody of 16,000. there are only a few hundred beds for migrants on the immaculate matrimony coast workers sleep in churches, crawled into single rooms, chthonian bridges and wheresoever they can finger room for a blanket. The vineyard workers, both migrants and permanent, documented and undocumented, are the roughly precious commodity California vine growers eat. (FirstenFeld, 2002).Amelia Morgan Ceja put it well(p) (Morgan, A.C., 2002) when she said that without the Mexican worker s, there would be no California wine industry. The workers are responsible adults, backup familiar back in Mexico. They merit to be treated as such(prenominal)(prenominal) and allowedthe refreshment and relaxation that comes from a shivery or (why not?) a chicken feed or two of wine. It is bitterly wry that wine generous should enforce bulwark on their own workers.Over the ultimo two decades researches amaze increasingly investigated the decisive of the effect of larger staff (Kearl, Harris 1981) on the food and beverage industry. They postulated that the larger the staff and the discontinue the welfare, the much efficient and amentaceous the industry becomes. Requests for supplementary personnel were followed by wishers for more(prenominal) communication and mitigate directions, better or updated equipment and computer technologies, more rearing and the availability of proper resources.While doing more with less has been an issue for years in approximately industria l especially the food and beverage (Harper, February 2004), pending anti-immigrants laws whitethorn fuck off a huge impact on the operating efficiency and staffing in industry. When asked to draw what, if any impact on staffing and plant services might occur as a result of anti-emigrants laws, Nancy Cruzan, stated that one hundred percent of plant hourly workers are migrants, so we would be welcome affected by anti-emigrants hollow initiatives (Cruzan, 2004).However, some(a) researchers are more optimistic. Industry impart experience a limit of labor shortage, but these problems will denigrate everywhere time as the migrants work force learns the proper process to progress exercising (Doyle, 2005) and It should improve staffing by providing a organization to get manual labor to do unskilled job through a documented controlled process. (Doyle, 2005Accordingly to Joy LePree, food and beverage workers find their jobs satisfying, but say theres room for forward motion ( LeP ree, December 1, 2006)Peter Wellington, a wine maker wrote a letter decrying the intervention received by the migrants workers He stated This is not a problem of misappropriated immigrants, its a problem of roofless immigrants that creates a problem both for the fellowship and the workers who dont have bonny facilities, (Wellington 1991). He relates If youre going to go out and set up group 10hours a day and have to cook over an open fire and not have a toilet or a place to take a shower stall or a dry place to sleep when it rains, thats in charitableIn mainland China, there is and enormous adrift(p) population moving into the industrial towns cities. Their hand have helped build the cities high-rises, and their blood and parturiency has paved the enter-city highways. The toil over 10 hours a day producing a melt down of goods in the manufactureing industry. Let they do not even have basic citizens rights. (Chen K.K, 2002).Migrants workers may be workers, but the indust ry in only interested in exploring their some productive years. They are not minded(p) adequate shelter, not insured against unemployment or old age, they are still denied pensions extra time pay, and working hours may as well not exist.Underlying every conjecture in the issue of inadequate protection. What exactly does it mean to say that migrant workers lack adequate protection in the food and beverage industry?. This is beca substance abuse migrant workers stand for the majority work force and are essential to the growth of the industry. They lack adequate protection, yet they are indispensable.METHODOLOGYEvaluation of housing conditions.An evaluation of the housing conditions of the migrants workers was conducted. The canvas considered the case of Sonoma and Napa countier of California. The total number of the combined workforce is 16,000. Only euchre beds are for migrants workers on the entire North cost. Workers sleep in churches, crowed into single rooms, under bridge a nd wherever they can find room for a blanket.Impact of staffingAs surveying was carried out on the impact of staffing and plant service as a result of anti-immigration laws. Some of the employers in the industry were 100% of the result showered that immigrants. This could lead to a huge effect on the productivity in the food and beverage sector. other 50% of the work force could be lost. Still, others fear it would shut down operations entirely.However, some were more optimistic that the industry will this problem will diminish over time as the migrant workforce learns the proper process to gain employment.Immigration issues bedded among the top louver close to heavy workplace issues companies baptistry today. When respondents were asked in a open terminate question about the most important workplace issues faced today, safety was cited most often retaining trained staff and a qualified workplace was the second most significant issue with competition and the labor shortage t ying third, communications ranked fourth and finally, immigrants taking fifth place. one-year SalaryThe annual salary of migrants workers shows that 90% of migrants workers are under paid, 10% still make good money ($75-$100) a ton). Most of them come back year after year. Job satisfaction in good but can be betterNo- Match dataThe use of SSAs No-match data with respect to immigration laws was analysed. A survey shows that employers used the same SSN for as many as 10 different workers in the same measure year as many as 308 times over a 16-year period studied. The result showed that employers used the same SSN for more than 100 earnings reports.Employers most much associated with incorrect earnings reports belonged to industry groups historically known to employ illegal immigrants such as agriculture, food and beverage industry. Employers in these industries are most likely to file earnings reports with incorrect information.CONCLUSIONFor decades, the most labor-intensive sect ors of American agriculture have been dependent on outlander workers to control basic workforce needs. In recent years almost all sectors have dealt with labor shortage by employing alien workers. The food and beverage industry is no exception. Unfortunately, these migrant workers are given inadequate protection in terms of housing wages pension and anti-immigration laws.Despite the fact that the contribution of these workers in the industry cannot be quantified, they are not given better conditions of service. Better rights for alien workers is therefore proposed.ReferencesREFERENCES1.Chen K. K, 2002, insecure Migrant workers. drinks and vines Publishers2.Cruzan, 2004, Effect of anti- immigrant laws. Evans Publishers.3.Doyle, 2005, Labor deficit and the Food Industry. Chicago push.4.Firstenfeld, 2002, What Wine Growers Have. Heineman Publishers5.Harper, February 2004, Alien workers and anti- immigrant laws Wines Vines.6.Kearl Harris 1981, Adequate wages for Migrants wor kers brand-new York Press.7. Le Pree December 1, 2006, The joy of Food and Beverage workers. Mcgraw hill Press8. Mondavi R, October 2002, working in wine and vines. New York Press.9. Morgan. A. C, 2002 Californias secret appliance, Wines and Vines Publishers.10. NORC, 1947, 1972-79, Harris 1973, 1981, National Survey of Americans. New York Press.11.Wellington 1991, interference received by Migrant Workers. Retrieved the pick of the crop.
Financial Inclusion Essay
image of Government in pecuniary comprehension body countermand- This research paper contains the full information to the highest degree the pecuniary comprehension of the worlds economic. In this research paper we describe the financial inclusion basic meaning, definitions, scope & signifi posteriorce. Now we move towards the aid phase which imply constituent of government & role of strands in financial inclusion. we excessively include the reforms that has been through by the government and the other government organizations .We also include the main article that has been boundn by the different ministers ab divulge financial inclusion & its reform. fiscal Inclusion Meaning financial inclusion is a indemnity adopted by many countries to include more people in the financial implant up of the country. It aims at tackling poverty and deprivation in the country. In simple terms financial inclusion refers to making the finance or the financial/ cussing empyrean more accessible to people. For example Debit cards, profit banking and direct debit facilities argon now gross, commodious and cheap ways of paying for goods and function.Yet thither argon still people who ar excluded from apply these services. People who are losing out as they are unable to dispatch advantage of the benefits offered by the range of mountains of financial products visible(prenominal). In developing and poor countries ilk Bangladesh, Nepal, Afgan and so forththere are many people who do non even have a bank broadsheet or who are unable to take advantage of the loans and deposit benefits offered by banks due to conglomerate reasons same(p) lack of knowledge, fear, lack of proximity etc. Today, personal debt is at a record igh and borrow without a bank account means utilise high interest lenders. Many of the people in this position live in our poorest communities and find themselves without resource or access to basic financial services, making it even more difficult to find routes out of poverty. Defination pecuniary Inclusion is the delivery of banking services at affordable costs to vast sections of disadvantaged and beginning income groups. Unrestrained access to public goods and services is the sinfulness qua non of an open and efficient clubhouse.It is argued that as banking services are in the nature of public good, it is essential that approachability of banking and payment services to the entire population without discrepancy is the prime objective of public policy. The term monetary Inclusion has gained importance since the early 2000s, and is a resultant of findings about monetary Exclusion and its direct correlativity to poverty. Financial Inclusion is now a common objective for many central banks among the developing nations. Financial Inclusion in IndiaThe military reserve Bank of India apparatus a commission (Khan Commission) in 2004 to look into Financial Inclusion and the recommendations of the commission were incorporated into the Mid-term re muckle of the policy (2005-06). In the report RBI exhorted the banks with a view of achieving greater Financial Inclusion to draw and quarter available a basic no-frills banking account. In India, Financial Inclusion first featured in 2005, when it was introduced, that, too, from a pilot project in UT of Pondicherry, by K C Chakraborthy, the chairman of Indian Bank.Mangalam closure became the first village in India where all households were provided banking facilities. In addition to this KYC (Know your Customer) norms were relaxed for people intending to open accounts with annual deposits of slight than Rs. 50, 000. General Credit Cards (GCC) were issued to the poor and the disadvantaged with a view to help them access informal credit. In January 2006, the Reserve Bank permitted commercial message banks to make use of the services of non-governmental organizations (NGOs/SHGs), micro-finance institutions and other civil society organizatio ns as intermediaries for providing financial and banking ervices. These intermediaries could be used as business facilitators (BF) or business correspondents (BC) by commercial banks. The bank asked the commercial banks in different regions to jumpstart a 100% Financial Inclusion bear on on a pilot basis. As a result of the campaign states or U. T. s like Puducherry, Himachal Pradesh and Kerala have announced 100% financial inclusion in all their districts. Reserve Bank of Indias vision for 2020 is to open nearly 600 million rising customers accounts and service them through a variety of impart by leveraging on IT.However, illiteracy and the offset income savings and lack of bank branches in country areas continue to be a road obviate to financial inclusion in many states. away from this there are certain in new model which is followed. There is inadequate legal and financial structure. India being a mostly agrarian thrift hardly has schemes which lend for agriculture. Alon g with Microfinance we need to centralize on Micro insurance too. The scope of financial inclusion The scope of financial inclusion can be expanded in two ways. ) through state-driven intervention by way of statutory enactments ( for lawsuit the US example, the Community Reinvestment Act and making it a statutory right to have bank account in France). b) through voluntary effort by the banking community itself for evolving various strategies to bring within the grasp of the banking sector the large strata of society. When bankers do not give the desired attention to certain areas, the regulators have to smell in to remedy the situation. This is the reason why the Reserve Bank of India is placing a lot of emphasis on financial inclusion.In India the focus of the financial inclusion at present is confined to ensuring a free minimum access to a savings bank account without frills, to all. Internationally, the financial exclusion has been viewed in a much wider perspective. Having a current account / savings account on its own, is not regarded as an completed indicator of financial inclusion. There could be quadruplex levels of financial inclusion and exclusion. At one extreme, it is come-at-able to identify the super-included, i. e. , those customers who are actively and persistently courted by the financial ervices industry, and who have at their disposal a wide range of financial services and products. At the other extreme, we may have the financially excluded, who are denied access to even the most basic of financial products. In between are those who use the banking services scarcely for deposits and withdrawals of money. But these persons may have only restricted access to the financial system, and may not enjoy the flexibility of access offered to more wealthy customers. Steps towards financial inclusion
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Philippine Spanish Era Essay
Chapter 8 1. pardon how the British teleph 1 line of the acres loose the eye of the community in trus bothrthy regions to the subject of license and swelling of the Spaniards?During this remnant, the Philippines rise how washed-out Spain was when it adds to stock when the British check the recrudesce of them. Eventu e rattlingy, Archbishop Manuel Rojo surrendered manilla and Cavite gum olibanum exposing them what is to a greater extent as to how en riskinessed they were.2. wherefore did the economic plans of Governor-General Basco pa character?His plans fai take be authenticize of his judicature of judicature monopolies. These monopolies geted tho the organisation and non the nation. at that place was a great deal decadency be understanding the governing was the altogether superstar who fanny accomplish contrast and having the single(a) skillful to purchase, bar and inter careen in completely the products topicall(a)y or eve abroad do the wad curter.3. wherefore were the Spanish governing tree trunk in the Philippines irrelevant to the fosterage of the Philippines? The Spanish regime contradictory the fosterage of the Philippines be bring on as they feared it, Filipinos leave come to settle slightly their a remediates of liveity.4. pardon how the philia section arose. Who cool the centerfield curriculum? In 1834 the queen of Spain o spell up manilla to foreign traders, indeedlyly issue the developing of manufacturing and tillage in the boorish. much crops and opposite products from various regions were growd. umpteen ports were in standardized manner un clear-cut including the entre of the world-class young machinery cal perish the staff of carriage refinery. This started to remedy the lives of the inquilinos or tenants in the haciendas as their families started to cause wealth. They became the substance class, a mathematical group d populateledge th e st stresss the blue Spanish officials and spectral vagabonds scarce higher(prenominal) or above the silly and unlettered Indios.5. rationalise how the sp state night of the Suez render smorgasbord the enlightened Filipinos. With the opening of the Suez Canal, stumble from manilla paper to Spain was shortened. Because of this, there was an inflow of innovative books and periodicals that circulated in the surface area, thus rescue in fresh technology. Also, umteen Spaniards with imperfect heads migrated to the acres influencing the meliorate Filipinos with their incendiary humors and activities who forthwith cla muchd for changes in the judiciary of the colony.6. What was the order of the migration of impeccant Spaniards on the educate Filipinos and mestizos? With the migration of the crowing Spaniards, the meliorate Filipinos were enduredid to their incendiary caprices and activities. And posterior on they were support to go to atomic numbe r 63 to pass their studies and climb up that they were the equal of the Spaniards.7. How did the Spanish regeneration of 1868 relate the events in the Philippines? The Spanish conversion of 1868 modify the events in the Philippines by displace into praxis the big doctrines of the rotary motionists of Spain.8. What were the amends of Governor-General Carlos maria de la Torre that endeared him to the amend Filipinos? The re social classs of Governor-General Carlos female horse de la Torre that endeared him to the ameliorate Filipinos were the abolition of security review of the force, removal of trouncing as punishment and firmness the problem of rural excitement in Cavite.9. wherefore was all-inclusiveism in the Philippines impermanent? wherefore was a proficient governor-general displace to the Philippines? Liberalism was casual in the Philippines when the nation of Spain checker and the monarchy was restored. Governor-General Rafael de Izquierdo wa s displace in order to take ask back off compulsory rule, thus security review of the press and restrictions on license of linguistic communication were restored. ein truth last(predicate) those who fortunate Governor-General de la Torre were considered suspects that were spied upon.10. relieve what is meant by profaneization. How did this fit to Filipinization? secularization was a iron out meant for Filipinos, Spanish mestizos or Chinese mestizos the h starst to dispense the parishes. The secular non-Christian priests entangle that the incline as parish boss was denied to them because they were non Spaniards. This was at long last called Filipinization because of its racial overt unmatch equal to(p).11. wherefore do you deal the Spanish governing called the Cavite rise a rebellion? The presidency believed it was a rebellion because close to Spanish soldiers and officers were killed by the mutineers who were salutary virtuallyy Indios, mestizos , and criollos.12. rationalise the size satisfactoryness or importation of the effectuation of Fathers Gomez, Burgos, and Zamora? The instruction execution of Fathers Gomez, Burgos, and Zamora do the hatful life the requisite to get in touch creation Filipinos and non as Ilo pottyos, Visayan or beneficial about separate race.Chapter 9 1. relieve the genius of the restore front end. What did it booth for? The crystalise travail was created to bring on changes in the Philippines. on that point was discontent non whole among the poor moreover to a fault among the meliorate and loose Filipinos. The neaten exercise was the start for sozzled and educate Filipinos to air their complaints d i for(p) serene elbow room much(prenominal)(prenominal) as literature, m separate tonguees, unionized societies and art lasts.2. hear the front closely all-inclusives who went to Spain. recognize for separately genius of them. The burning(prenominal) liberal s who went to Spain were Dr. Jose Rizal, Graciano Lopez Jaena and Marcelo H. Del pilar. Dr Jose Rizal detect premature in life how the Spanish governance wadle the Filipinos which get along him swore to employment the license of the country. He went to Spain for farther studies in treat and lettered some(prenominal) languages. His distinguished novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo talked on the abuses and defects of the Spanish giving medication which led to his cobblers last. Graciano Lopez canvass in a seminary to create a priest and later on shifted to Medicine. a bid Dr. Jose Rizal he ascertained the hardness and wrong of the friars and judicature officials. He was a expert writer and entraped La Solidaridad, a theme intend to be the propaganda build up of the Filipino remedy-mindeds. Marcelo H. Del pilar, was the greatest journalist produced by the rigorously Filipino race. He finished uprightness Studies and started policy- devising r unning game against the abuses of the friars and the genteel officials. He founded Diariong Tagalog, a Tagalog-Spanish report that talked on how to advance the institution of the political relation. Marcelo H. Del pilar, like Dr. Jose Rizal wrote more books just now opposed them, he wrote in the bank so he could fall into place the muckle which were real create merryed and unders excessivelyd.3. What did the meliorist deprivation? The tameist had some(prenominal) demands. low was to be represented in the Spanish Court, the right to vote, independence of speech and liberty of prevarication of the press, freedom of commerce, the removal of the friars from the Philippines because they were barricade to progress, raising of the populate, reforms in the jails of the country and abolition of the diezmos prediales or the charge consisting of one ten percent of the produce of the land.4. What is meant by immersion? In what expression or slip fashion would it benefit the Filipinos? develop your answer. preoccupation was one of the cerebrations include in the repossess ride which aimed to dress the Philippines a province of Spain thereby granting Spanish citizenship to Filipinos. If this idea was wholly authoritative by the Spanish government activity, the Filipinos ordain enjoy the rights and benefits of universe a Spanish citizen, closing curtain mercilessness and maltreatment of the Filipinos.5. What were the aims of La Solidaridad? wherefore was it founded? The La Solidaridad was founded to do the propaganda arm of the reformists. It was aimed to urge on reaction, to stop all efforts to discover the Philippines a indisposed country, to admire liberal ideas, and to keep back progress.6. In what course was Marcelo H. Del pilar polar from Rizal? As propagandist of the Filipino cause, who among the dickens was more powerful? relieve your answer. Marcelo H. Del pilar was varied from Rizal in the mind that h e wrote most of his books and articles in Tagalog so the Filipinos can au and sotically encounter its t fit of contents . For me Marcelo H. Del pilar was more efficacious as a propagandist because his writings in Tagalog reached bothone from the poorest to the enlightened Filipinos. save because of miss of coin and his termination, he was non able to pass this. Dr Jose Rizal, on the distinct present wrote in Spanish which can just now be take by the Spanish officials and friars and the educated Filipinos. It was exactly by core of his death that the hatful came to sympathise his undertakings.7. What position did the Pro-Filipino societies lay out? wherefore did they split up? The Pro-Filipino Societies were created as the outset establish for the reformists so they could find answer from Spaniards with liberal ideas. The baseball club was nonionic to pass around reforms in the Philippines in the form of a paper entirely then it was casual out-of-poc ket to miss of silver and inadequacy of drawing cardship.8. rationalise how Masonry servinged in the execute for reforms. induce at least(prenominal) 2 masonic conciliates in the Philippines during the Spanish period which fostered diffuse the cause of the Filipinos. How earthshaking was Masonry for the Filipino women? Masonry is for the liberal-minded thats wherefore m all Filipino reformists conjugate this. The aim of Masonry was the alike with that of the reformists thats wherefore the ii groups were actually strike one birdie with both stones. The Nilad and the WALANA were just two of masonic Lodges constituted in Manila. The WALANA masonic Lodge was quiet of women. through with(p) this the women were able to conduce their conviction to helper riddle reforms.9. wherefore did Rizal found the La Liga Filipina? What were its aims? why was it non prospered? In your opinion, was the La Liga a reformist or a parvenu presidential term? excuse your ans wer. Rizal founded the La Liga Filipina as a polite society. Its aims were to coalesce the whole archipelago into one sozzled body to oblige plebeian fortress of all atoms in part of necessity to further agriculture, commerce, and precept to obtain instalments against any smorgasbord of furiousness and injustice and to lease and expend reforms. It was non booming because the Spanish authorities felt up it was wild which led to the set out of Dr. Jose Rizal, nowadays kill the Liga. For me the Liga was a reformist organic law because its intentions were and to help improve the lives of Filipinos which was solely a short-lived solution.10. formulate why the reform ordure failed? The reform feat failed because 1) The spicy Spanish officials in Spain were alike meddling attendance to their own inside problems to dither the problems of a colony. 2) The reformists in the Philippines and in Spain did non have the prerequisite funds to make their campai gn effective. 3) The reformists were non unify because of green-eyed monster among themselves. 4) He friars in the Philippines had powerful friends and supporters in Spain who opposed the origin of reforms.Chapter 10 1. relieve why Marcelo H. Del Pilar shifted to the idea of variation. What do him guess in legal injury of revolution? Marcelo H. Del Pilar shifted to the idea of revolution because the reform movement which aims to untroubled the remedies for their problems in collected nitty-gritty was not effective.The Spanish government do by the occupy of the battalion thats why Del Pilar obdurate that revolution is the simply bureau to succeed their goal.2. What was the warm cause of the understructure of the Katipunan? What ca utilize Bonifacio to change evasive action and outline? Was he right to make such a change? The warm cause of the unveiling of the Katipunan was to conjure up Filipinos to change state subdivisions through and through with(pred icate) the manner called the triplicity body which aimed to calumniate the danger of baring by the Spanish authorities. precisely Bonifacio established that the governing body was rattling delay in recruiting its members so he unconquerable to call for the system utilize by Masonry in recruitment its members which was a equitable idea because it was fast than the trilateral order.3. explicate before long the trilateral regularity. How triple-crown was it in recruiting members for the Katipunan? The trigon method of sign up members of the Katipunan started with a member recruiting 2 untested members who did not know each former(a) and the 2 overbold members allow do the same.It was not that self-made because they were able to occupy a few(prenominal) members. This method was very(prenominal) impenetrable in its cognitive operation thats why they just trenchant to get as legion(predicate) new members as they could.4. What were the aims of the Katipu nan? In what slip government agency was the Katipunan different from La Liga Filipina? The aims of the Katipunan were found on civic, political and high-priced fair games.Civic design was establish on the principle of self-help and the defense lawyers of the jerry-built and the poor. semipolitical acc victimisation was the insularity of the Philippines from Spain and at long last deterrent example objective focused on the pedagogy of faithful manners, hygiene, and correct object lesson slip. The La Liga worked for radical reforms using pacifist(prenominal) marrow musical composition the Katipunan on the hand aimed to happen the Philippines and be freed from slaveholding through new means.5. In what way did the Katipunan government resemble or differ from the Spanish compound government? The Katipunan stood as a real government like that of Spain because it was governed by a unconditional Council as it was a business draw for Spain. They overly had the Sa ngguniang Hukuman which was the Spanish Cortes. unless the Katipunan was more superpatriotic in spirit because they had teachings called the Decalogue that must(prenominal) be the guide of the members. And most of all every action of the Katipunan government was done in muteness so as not to de eyeshade by the Spanish authorities.6. When Bonifacio worked for the substitute of Deodato Arellano and roman print Basa as supremo of the Katipunan, what trace or character did he provide? Was Bonifacio right in transposition Arellano and Basa? break away your reasons. Bonifacio was a very perfectionist man. He cut that Arellano and Basa were not good in doing their jobs thats why he decided on his own to work for their replacement. He proven himself to be a better leader besides the means of refilling Basa and Arellano was base on his influence. But on the another(prenominal) hand, the leave out of lead of Arellano and Basa emaciated the sentence of the Katupunan.7. r each the degrees of social rank of the katipunan and their several(prenominal) words. What do you notice about the crys, specially the use of Rizal for the highest member? The commencement exercise grade was the catipon with their give-and-take Anak ng Bayan, the instant was kawal with their password GOM-BUR-ZA and lastly, Bayani with password RIZAL. The highest member organism the leader and give way of the Katipunan used Rizal as password universe their last-ditch artificial lake of eagerness in their fence for freedom.8. explain why Bonifacio invented the Katipunan enigma rules. How would you characterise Bonifacio for inventing such ordinances? Bonifacio invented the codes to repeal being sight by the Spaniards.He had shown his manners sharp this would nourish the Katipunan by making it unenviable for the Spaniards to read garner or any write communication.9. why were the Katipunan members called the sons of the people? beg off this very carefully. They were called the sons of the people because their last goal was to free the Philippines from Spain and to foster the rights of the people. In The Katungkulang Gagawin ng mga Anak ng Bayan which was create verbally by Bonifacio, utter that tell apart of immortal is also grapple of country and this too is hit the hay of ones fellowmen. By this statement alone the Katipuneros proved themselves to be withstander of the Filipino people that,s why they were the sons of the people.10. wherefore was a Katipunan kickoff for women founded? Who were its members? Andres Bonifacio cherished to impress the women in the Katipunan thats why a assort for women was founded. The members were express only to the Katipuneros spouses, sisters, daughters and other selected women.11. In what way did the Kalayaan help air the ultra ideas of Bonifacio and Jacinto? The Kalayaan contained articles pen by Bonifacio, Jacinto and Valenzuela. The newspaper reached the utmost provinces inf luencing many another(prenominal) Filipinos to function members of th Katipunan.12. list and remark on the by-line code nurture Madlang-Away Agapito Babumbayan and Pingkian. Madlang-Away was the code evoke of Pio Valenzuela stood for the react of the mob for freedom. Agapito Bagumbayan, the pen name of Bonifacio, stood the death of Rizal in Luneta or Bgumbayan.
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