Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Childhood Human Essay
Childhood Human Essay Childhood: Human Essay Women are better Some people think that women are better in multitasking because they are trained to handle many tasks simultaneously. They need to balance their professional and personal life.The expectation of their families increases as they grow in age. Also women are better than men because they have a lot of patience to do multiple work starting from home to office. They are good at managing home affairs, relationships, office work and spending time with family. Now since all the doors have been opened for women to work their importance is also being realized. So, we can say that women are getting educated and their career scope is increasing and every time they gain better performance,which is the reason for their success and therefore they are succeeding in multitasking activities. .BIOLOGICALLYMen and women are definitely different and will always be. Biologically, men and women are well-suited to different tasks Men evolved more musculature in order to hunt for food for women birthing and caring for children to help perpetuate the species. Today, women tend to be better caregivers, while men tend to be better suited for physical-labor and heavy jobs. Both genders need each other to continue the human race. It has always confused me why men are seen as superior. Men are usually more violent due to testosterone levels. Does this mean that we as humans believe violence is superior? HistoryYou can't deny this, just look at history. I still think women and men should both have equal rights , but men need to be credited for all the things they have done. Without men we wouldn't live in the world we live in today. They do all the heavy lifting, the leadership, and development of cities/countries. Men th
Friday, November 22, 2019
Alice Freeman Palmer and Higher Education for Women
Alice Freeman Palmer and Higher Education for Women Known for: president of Wellesley College, noted essay on why women should attend college. Dates: February 21, 1855 - December 6, 1902 Also known as: Alice Elvira Freeman, Alice Freeman Alice Freeman Parker was known not only for her innovative and dedicated work for higher education in her capacity as president of Wellesley College, but for her advocacy of a position somewhere between women being educated to be the equals of men, and women being educated primarily for traditional womens roles.  She firmly believed that women need to be of service to humanity, and that education furthered their ability to do so.  She also recognized that women would be unlikely to do so in traditional male occupations, but could work not only in the home to educate another generation, but in social service work, teaching, and other occupations that played a role in creating a new future. Her speech on Why Go to College? was addressed to young girls and their parents, giving them reasons for girls to be educated.  She also wrote poetry. Excerpt from Why Go to College?: Our American girls themselves are becoming aware that they need the stimulus, the discipline, the knowledge, the interests of the college in addition to the school, if they are to prepare themselves for the most serviceable lives.But there are still parents who say, â€Å"There is no need that my daughter should teach; then why should she go to college?†I will not reply that college training is a life insurance for a girl, a pledge that she possesses the disciplined ability to earn a living for herself and others in case of need, for I prefer to insist on the importance of giving every girl, no matter what her present circumstances, a special training in some one thing by which she can render society service, not amateur but of an expert sort, and service too for which it will be willing to pay a price. Background Born Alice Elvira Freeman, she grew up in small town New York.  Her fathers family came from early New York settlers, and her mothers father had served with General Washington. James Warren Freeman,  her father, took on medical school, learning to be a physician when Alice was seven, and Elizabeth Higley Freeman, Alices mother, supported the family while he studied. Alice started school at four, having learned to read at three. She was a star student, and was admitted to Windsor Academy, a school for boys and girls. She became engaged to a teacher at the school when she was only fourteen. When he left to study at Yale Divinity School, she decided that she, too, wanted an education, and so she broke the engagement so that she could enter college. She was admitted to the University of Michigan on trial, though she had failed the entrance exams. She combined work and school for seven years to gain her B.A. She took a position teaching in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, after she completed her degree. She had only been out of school a year when Wellesley first invited her to become a math instructor, and she declined. She moved to Saginaw, Michigan, and became a teacher and then the principal of a high school there. Wellesley invited her again, this time to teach Greek. But with her father losing his fortune, and her sister ill, she chose to remain in Saginaw and help support her family. In 1879, Wellesley invited her a third time. This time, they offered her a position at the head of the history department. She began her work there in 1879. She became vice president of the college and acting president in 1881, and in 1882 became president. In her six years as president at Wellesley, she significantly strengthened its academic position. She also helped found the organization that later became the American Association of University Women, and served several terms as president. She was in that office when the AAUW issued a report in 1885 debunking misinformation about the ill effects of education on women. In late 1887, Alice Freeman married George Herbert Palmer, a philosophy professor at Harvard. She resigned as president of Wellesley, but joined the board of trustees, where she continued to support the college until her death. She was suffering from tuberculosis, and her resignation as president allowed her to spend some time recovering. She then took up a career in public speaking, often addressing the importance of higher education for women. She became a member of the Massachusetts State Board of Education and worked for legislation that promoted education. In 18912, she served as a manager for the Massachusetts exhibit at the Worlds Columbian Exposition in Chicago. From 1892 to 1895, she took a position with the University of Chicago as dean of women, as the university expanded the female student body. President William Rainey Harper, who wanted her in this position because of her reputation which he believed would draw women students, permitted her to take the position and be in residence for only twelve weeks each year. She was permitted to appoint her own subdean to take care of immediate matters. When women had established themselves more firmly among the students at the University, Palmer resigned so that someone who could serve more actively could be appointed. Back in Massachusetts, she worked to bring Radcliffe College into formal association with Harvard University. She served in many voluntary roles in higher education. In 1902, while in Paris with her husband on a vacation, she had an operation for an intestinal condition, and died afterwards of heart failure, only 47 years old.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
How economics influence a country Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
How economics influence a country - Essay Example Germany has a charming and promising standard of living. Germany has the best living standard in Europe. Characterized by a responsive authority, joint public, private partnership and the best service based economy; Germanys living standards are nothing short of perfect. The infrastructure is at its peak with elaborate means of transport. Germany has the best health policy in Europe and the mortgage industry is at its peak. As a result, Germany, emerges as one of the most beautiful and habitable places in Europe. The glory and splendor of Germany, however, has a tainted future. The economy heavily depends on its vibrant industries. These industries need a high input of human labor (office 164). The shrinking and aging Germany population is not in a position to handle most expansion and growth. The industries result in labor importation a very expensive undertaking which slices away a large proportion of the profits earned. In return, the feasibility to undertake any commercial activity is dark due to the high cost of labor. In the next 50 years, Germanys population will shrink by 20%. In all aspects, even if the economic growth rate maintains at a relative 115, the country will eventually lose out on the cost of production. Currently, the per capita income of Germany stands at $388 per head. Germany has the highest per capital rating in Europe. Increase in the cost of production ultimately leads to costly goods and services and the per capital income fall sharply. Currently, Germany offers a good work climate for potential workers. The balls are changing fast for the country as the south East economies pick on the development trend. Posing Germany against Malaysia, it is w orth noting that Malaysia is the very reverse of Germany. The Malaysian population is exploding and so is its workforce. Currently, Malaysia per capita income stands at $9000 per head (East Asia
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
How does your company deal with preparing staff to work in another Essay
How does your company deal with preparing staff to work in another country and for incoming foreign staff - Essay Example Understanding these relations is very important for an organization, which desires to manage its employee-employer relationship effectively. PROPOSED STUDY: This paper gives an examination of the employee organization rapport by probing the employee perception of what they owe their company and what they feel their company owes them in return. The paper also examines these aspects from a cross-cultural perspective by determining how societal culture affects employee attitude concerning their obligations to the employer and what the employer owes them. Purposely, the paper delves at how various cultural aspects of collectivism, the employees’ perception of the terms of their employment relationship. Additionally, whilst most studies focus on employees’ behavior and attitudinal reactions to their company’s failure to meet obligations, less has been unraveled about how companies deal with preparing their staff to work in another country and for incoming foreign staf f. This paper aims at discussing in depth, how Ford Motor Company prepares its staff to operate in remote countries. The paper gives an exclusive introduction to the company’s background, after which it embarks on the thesis statement, which is, how the motor company has dealt with preparing its staff to work in another country and for incoming foreign staff. ... The company has employed more than 25600 peoples by the end of December with its headquarters based in Michigan and Dearborn. Ford has recorded revenues of more than $182,456 million in just one fiscal year; that is up to December 2007. An increase of around 7.6% over that gained in the year 2006. The company’s operating profit of the company used to be $6,631 million in the economic year 2007 put under compared to an operating loss of around$8, 291 million in the year 2006. This loss, however, in 2007 reduced to $3,722 million (Ford Motor Company, 2000). The company operates two businesses: Automotive Division In this business, it produces a variety of vehicles, among cars in the medium, large, small, and premium segments as well as buses, SUV’s, Vans, and trucks. Its automotive vehicle brands include Mazda, Mercury, Ford, Volvo, and Lincoln. Ford also owns a 34.4 % controlling stake when considering Mazda (Lussier, 2013). Because it is the consumer trend towards lesse r and more cost-effective cars, it has increased its business in this part. Ford’s automotive business can safely get organized into five segments: Premier Automotive (PAG). Ford added onto, manufacturing and distributing trucks and cars, it, also, avails a diversity of after sales products and services via its dealer network (Rowley, 2013). The Financial Service Division The Ford Motor Credit Company was initiated in the year 1923 as a completely owned subordinate of Ford. This business provides automotive financing for Volvo, Mercury, Ford, and Lincoln’s customers. The Credit business was established so that Ford Motor Company dealers could offer competitive financial services to both business and individuals. The Major financial services entail:
Saturday, November 16, 2019
The Air Can Be Cleaner Than It Is Now Essay Example for Free
The Air Can Be Cleaner Than It Is Now Essay There are people who believe that â€Å"fresh air†is an unlimited source. I personally used to think like that when I was a young. As I grew older, I learned that a simple thing, such as fresh air is infinitely available, is not true. The fact is, the troposphere, which is like a wall that covers the earth, is the only air that is available to us. No fresh air comes in, and no polluted air escapes (Harris, par. 3). Ironically, a giant thing like spaceship could go out trough the troposphere, the lowest level of the atmosphere, but a simple thing like air can not. This way, we are like in a sealed room, so we must use the air over and over again for infinity. Polluted air is dangerous and it has been a dilemma throughout this modern era. Air pollution can have serious problem for our health and also on natural ecosystems. It is able to go around the earth easily because the fact it is located in the stratosphere (â€Å"Air Pollution,†par. 2). The sources of air pollution are both natural and human-based. Volcanic eruptions, wind erosions, pollen dispersal and forests fires are among the natural-based air pollution. But, the most pollution is the result of human activity. There are many things that we do can contaminate the air. According to Think Quest Online, â€Å"The biggest cause of pollution in U. S. are the operation of fossil fuel-burning power plants and automobiles that combust fuel. Combined, these two sources are responsible for about 90% of all air pollution in the United States â€Å"(â€Å"Causes,†par. 6). The other 10% are including the natural-based of air pollution and some other human activities that can cause air pollution, such as, the smoke from cigarettes, fireplaces, heating systems, incinerators, airplanes, industries and many more. Based on the facts above, human activities alone are responsible for more than 90% of air pollution in the United States. The issue here is obviously not about the air pollution that comes naturally, it’s about our activities that can cause air pollution. Polluted air can affect the health of human beings in many ways. Every year, the health of many people is endangered by it. There is a research about the people who have been killed by air pollution in United States. The result is over 50,000 people killed annually. It often happens to young children, infants, and elderly people (â€Å"Effects,†par. 3). People who already have health problems, like asthma, heart and lung disease, have a high risk of suffering or dying when the air is polluted. Another tragic fact happened in English on 1952, which is the famous era of the country’s industrial revolution. As a result, more than 400 people died in because of the fog that formed by smog from the industries. Today, the way of most industries work is not the same as past. Somehow, they manage to reduce the smog their producing. However, there are still many industries in countries, such as China, Poland, Czechoslovakia, and some other eastern European countries, are still using the old way to handle the smog (Socha, par. 8). Our natural ecosystem can be endangered by air pollution too. Air pollutants like carbon dioxides, ozone, and sulfur dioxides also have deadly effects on it. Those harmful substances can easily destroy plants and trees by exterminating their leaves. Air pollution can also kill animals too, especially fish in a river that highly contaminated (â€Å"Effects,†par. 7). Air pollution is not only bad to our health but also to our environment. There will be no doubt that the air will be much cleaner if we stop all the activities that can contaminate the air, but our life is going to be drastically changed. It’s obviously going to be more difficult because nearly all the things that we need can cause air pollution. Almost all of human transportation can cause air pollution. The industries, which produce many people necessity, can cause air pollution. We can not live without those things. So, we do not have to stop the activities that can cause air pollution but we need to reduce it. With all these seriously bad effects of polluted air, we can’t just sit and do nothing. Fortunately, there are many ways that we can do to reduce pollution. Here is the solutions: conserve electricity, set your air conditioner at a higher temperature, reduce the use of heater, driving a car that has a great fuel efficiency (at least 35 miles per gallon), share a ride to destination, or use public transportation, bicycle or walk to errands when possible, reduce the consumption of cigarettes or cigar, replace incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs, recycle newspapers, aluminum, and other materials, and avoid purchasing products such as Styrofoam that contain CFCs (sulfur and chlorofluorocarbons) (Socha, par. 0). Not only these solutions can make the air cleaner, but it also can save energy, and for some of them, can save or generate money. There is one solution that really useful in reducing air pollution, and that is planting more green plants. Just like human, plants breathe in order to live. Trees inhale the carbon dioxide, which is the bad air, during a sunny day. This process called photosynthesis (â€Å"Photosynthesis,†par. 2). In the night time, tree exhales the oxygen, which is the good air. Trees are basically producing the oxygen just by sucking carbon dioxide. It is really useful to us, not only it can make the bad air disappear, but it also generate the good air. So, we need to plant trees as much as we can. It can reduce the air pollution, but what is more is that trees can also make the environment much nicer. If we do all these solutions there will be no doubt that the air will be much cleaner and good things will come if the air is cleaner. For example, health problems will be decreased, healthier ecosystems, and many more. We would not be blamed by our kids or our next generation if we do these solutions. They can live happily and they also have a great chance of doing these solutions. We have to start these good habits from now, and I’m very sure that our generation will be remembered forever just because we start solutions as our habits. The future can be brighter and it is sure that we will live longer.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Cortés :: History
Cortà ©s Cortà ©s, Hernà ¡n or Cortez, Hernando (1485-1547), Spanish explorer and conqueror of the Aztec Empire of Mexico. Cortà ©s was born in Medellà n, Extremadura. He studied law at the University of Salamanca, but cut short his university career in 1501 and decided to try his fortune in the New World. He sailed for Santo Domingo in the spring of 1504. In 1511 he joined the Spanish soldier and administrator Diego Velà ¡zquez in the conquest of Cuba, and subsequently became alcalde (mayor) of Santiago de Cuba. In 1518 he persuaded Velà ¡zquez, who had beco1me governor of Cuba, to give him the command of an expedition to Mexico. The mainland had been discovered the year before by the Spanish soldier and explorer Francisco Fernà ¡ndez de Cà ³rdoba and subsequently by Juan de Grijalva, nephew of Velà ¡zquez. On February 19, 1519, Cortà ©s, with a force of some 600 men, fewer than 20 horses, and 10 field pieces, set sail from Cuba, despite the cancellation of his commission by Velà ¡zquez, who had become suspicious that Cortà ©s, once in a position to establish himself independently, would refuse to recognize his authority. Cortà ©s sailed along the coast of Yucatà ¡n and in March 1519 landed in Mexico, subjugating the town of Tabasco; the artillery of the Spaniards, the ships, and particularly the horses filled the natives with awe. From the natives of Tabasco Cortà ©s learned of the Aztec Empire and its ruler, Montezuma II. Cortà ©s took numerous captives, one of whom, Malinche (baptized Marina), became his mistress; out of loyalty to him she acted as the interpreter, guide, and counselor for the Spaniards. Finding a better harbor a little north of San Juan, the Spaniards moved there and established a town, La Villa Rica de la Vera Cruz (now Veracruz). Cortà ©s organized an independent government, and renouncing the authority of Velà ¡zquez, acknowledged only the supreme authority of the Spanish crown. In order to prevent those of his small force who opposed this movement from deserting him and carrying the news to Cuba, Cortà ©s destroyed his fleet. After negotiations with Montezuma, who tried to persuade Cortà ©s not to enter the capital city of Tenochtitlà ¡n, Cortà ©s started his famous march inland. He overcame the native Tlascalans and then formed an alliance with them against the Aztecs, their enemies. From that time until the conquest was achieved, the Tlascalans continued to be the most important of all the native allies of the Spaniards.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Reflective statement †IRS Essay
After finishing my research project and finally submitting my report, it is necessary that I write a reflective statement on what I have gained from my study. My tutor helped me to change the topic of my research which was â€Å"The link between employee satisfaction and service quality in the hotel industry†to â€Å"How to increase employee retention at the Blue tree hotels†. This helped me be more specific, to focus on a situation on ground, rather than being too general. The broadness of my topic would not help me narrow down to a specific case. This would not help me to draw clear lessons from the project. Being more specific in the project topic statement helped me come up with concise hypothesis for the research. It ultimately made me learn a lot from the project. My methodology was to carry out a filed survey, and sample some of the industries to get information from them. On the advice from my tutor, I changed it to comparative method, which I performed, selecting international hotel chains, such as Marriott, and also using different kinds of case studies in the hospitality industry in order to analyze, compare and opt for the best system and attitude used by them. I got these findings with the intention of implementing them at the Blue Tree Hotels and as a consequence meet the company’s goal. On presenting my idea my tutor, the feedback was negative, but it was helpful as I need pressure to work better. Her guidance led me to the above-discussed process which finally gave me success. At this point I was able to carryout my research with ease and also became considerably successful. The whole process has imparted in me skills and knowledge that are necessary for working on projects, and managing employees for a successful organization or a company. Since the choice of this research project made me to research on employee retention and job satisfaction, it made focus on specific parts of Human Resource management. The ‘employee’ is a very important aspect in an organization, company or institution (Henriques and Sadorsky 199). There are several principles about job satisfaction and retention that I have learned from this project. Furthermore, I have also gained skills in project management, especially in terms of research in order to meet a certain objective. On project management, I was able to sharpen my skills on research. The first thing was the ability to plan my research project (Kumar, 2005). From the topic that my tutor recommended I was able to come up with a research problem. The formulated problem was that the high turn over of employees in various companies has become very expensive. This is fundamentally because the organization or the company loses knowledge and resource they have invested in equipping these people in favor of their competitors (Ramlall, 2003). I was also able to design a model that fit my research project well. I chose on secondary research, which would led me to visit various websites to collect information about how various hotels and hospitality industries had succeeded in maintaining their employees. Secondly, I studied how these companies had achieved their overall goals, based on the principle of employee retention and satisfaction. I chose the highly trusted online data base sites such us Emerald and Ebsco. This formed a good basis of data collection. After identifying this method, I chose the samples to study. These were the best performing companies in this industry. They are Marriot, and Four Seasons. This ultimately led to my writing of the proposal that was accepted by my tutor after following her guidance. In the second step, conducting the study, I was successful in collecting the data from various websites, and studied the data in comparison (Kumar, 2005). I also used books to learn how these companies had applied specific principles in managing this vital resource in the companies. This was in the process of data processing to make them clear during presentation. After successful processing of data, I wrote the report that would easily help in the implementation phase of the project. The report had a very clear explanation on facts about employee retention, loyalty and satisfaction. The aspect I gained through this project is the way to conduct a research and not only stop at the research level but write a report that has conclusions that have clarity and teams can use them to conduct the implementation stage of the project. As I mentioned earlier, I have also come to appreciate the importance of taking care of employees in an organization. Retaining them goes along with how satisfied they are. This becomes a good basis of quality efficient service for the company, institution or organization. In order to maintain competitive advantage, companies have to do all their best to retain the employees they have (Ans and Meganck, 2009). This is because if an organization loses an employee, the quality of the service delivered will be greatly affected, decrease on the efficiency of the service delivery and as a consequence lose guests in addition to profits (Ramlall, 2003). Again, It is clear that in hospitality business, success comes from the loyal employees, since they are committed and trustworthy. This will increase organization’s profitability alongside customer loyalty (Villares and Coelho, 2003). Finally, I learned that increased job satisfaction leads to decreased turnover rates (Smith and Rupp, 2002). From the study I found out that competitive schemes of paying employees, diverse programs of employee motivation, training and reward plans would be very effective in retaining the employees in an organization. Emphatically, such things as opportunities that the companies give in terms of professional growth of the employees also matter. Mutual and hierarchical recognition also are very important in the organization. Lastly the social fabric must be constructed in to encourage teamwork and so cordial relationships among all the workers. This project has made me set for my future career as a manager; for I definitely know that the whole picture of an organization is seen in its employees. Four Seasons rightly confess that, â€Å"Our greatest asset, and the key to our success, is our people†(Four Seasons, 2010). In addition to this I have gained knowledge and skills in research, which will greatly help in project management. This has also sharpened my critic ability, and I will be able to analyze situations keenly, consequently coming up with well judged conclusions.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Women in Psychology
Abstract It is safe to infer that the study of psychology is ever changing and advancing in many facets. This advancement is due to the many physiologist, theorist, psychologist, and scientist that have dedicated their beings to studying of the human mind and human behavior. Amongst these professionals, stand some very influential women. These women have played very important and often key roles in the development of psychology as we know it today.I will highlight the contributions of some major roles females have played in psychology, and conclude by discussing the contributions of Americans first female psychologist Christine Ladd-Franklin, her background, and theoretical perspectives of psychology. Women in Psychology Psychology as we know it today is the study or science of the human mind and behavior. Psychology up until 1870 was a branch of philosophy and then developed as an independent scientific discipline. In 1879 began the study of experimental science with Wilhelm Wundt i n Leipzig.This marked a historic and very important moment in psychology. Though Wundt is the first to experiment with psychology, there were also others who followed very closely. Charles Peirce, particularly, who was the first American experimental psychologist, also had a major contribution. In Charles Peirce journey in psychology, he worked very closely with Christine Ladd-Franklin, who later became the first woman involved in the three disciplines: logic, psychology, and mathematics.Although we don’t hear much about women and their involvement in psychology, some women offered some major contributions to the field of psychology between 1850 to present day. Psychology as we know is the study or science of the human mind and behavior. Although we don’t hear much about women and their involvement in psychology, some women offered some major contributions to the field of psychology between 1850 to present day. Women such as Mary Whiton Calkins, Maria Montessori, Marga ret Floy Washburn, Karey Horney, Christine Ladd-Franklin, and Anna Freud had significant contributions to the field of psychology.Some contributions include, but are not limited to such as paired associate techniques, â€Å"Children’s House†for â€Å" psych- pedagogy,†which is an educational method for child psychology, the founding of â€Å"The Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis†as well as the Hampstead Clinic, a treatment center for child psychology. These women had great accomplishments in the world of psychology. However, for the purposes of this paper, I will be discussing the workings and contributions of Christine Ladd-Franklin.Christina Ladd-Franklin was born in 1847. She attended Vassar studying mathematics, since the field of physics (her primary interest) was not available to women. She later attended John Hopkins University, where she completed the requirements for her PH. D, but due to the fact that women were not allowed to graduate from the University, she was not given her PhD until years later. Ladd’s dissertation paper was written on the â€Å"Algebra of Logic,†and she became the very first women involved in psychology, mathematics, and logic.Once Ladd left Hopkins, she worked side by side with G. E. Mà ¼ller who worked on memory activity, the mathematical prodigy, color vision, and also his analysis of the method of introspection. Ladd was very interested in Mà ¼ller’s study on color vision, and in turn proposed her own color vision theory. In part she suggested that â€Å"some animals are color blind and assumed that achromatic vision appeared first in evolution and color vision came later. She assumed further that the human eye carries vestiges of its earlier evolutionary development.She observed that the most highly evolved part of the eye is the fovea, where, at least in daylight, visual acuity and color sensitivity are greatest. Ladd-Franklin assumed that peripheral vision (provided by the rods of the retina) was more primitive than fovea vision (provided by the cones of the retina) because night vision and movement detection are crucial for survival ( Hergenhahn, B. R. 2009.. †She further stated that color vision evolved in three stages, the black and white stage, the blue -yellow stage, nd the red –green stage. She suggested that more people suffered with red-green color blindness because it was the last to develop. Her theory was controversial, but it slowly gained partial acceptance. Ladd reportedly had involvement in the â€Å"Purkinje phenomenon,†that was developed by Hermann Ebbinghaus when she was working in his laboratory. In her later years, Ladd became an advocate for women’s suffrage and assisted in the development of the Sarah Berliner and other research fellowships for women.Women in the 18th and 19th had very difficult times attaining a career in fields such as psychology, physics, and mathematics Due to the lack of women’s rights, their ideas, studies, theories, and works were often unwelcomed. However, despite all powers against Christine Ladd-Franklin, she continued to push on and accomplish exceptional feats. She died in 1930, but her legacy lives on in women psychologist and historians of psychology today.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Globalisation essay part 2
Globalisation essay part 2 Globalisation essay part 2 Globalisation essay part 2 Globalisation  essay part 1In addition, the economic cooperation is the most advanced between well-developed nations. For instance, the EU emerged as the economic union of western European countries which were and still are the major European economies. The economic cooperation between developed nations leaves developing nations outsiders in the global economic development process.However, even in well-developed nations, globalisations has failed to eliminate the socioeconomic disparity and the problem of poverty in developed countries persists, especially this problem aggravates after economic crises as was the case of the US economic recession that was followed up by the global financial crisis of 2008. Many researchers (Bhagwati, 2004) argue that globalisation increases the risk of the widening disparity between the rich and the poor because the accumulation of capital leads to the enrichment of the rich, while the poor remains in the inferior position. In fact, globalisation is beneficial for businesses and large corporations but not for employees. More important, in case of employees, globalisation has a destructive impact on them and leads to their pauperisation because companies based in developed countries tend to outsource many services and move productions to developing countries, where the labour force is cheaper. As a result, employees from developed countries remain jobless.Effects of globalisation on developing nationsDeveloping countries face the dubious effects associated with the development of globalisation. On the one hand, globalisation stimulates their economic development due to the elimination of fiscal barriers that opens the way for their products to supply to the global market (Weiler, 2002).On the other hand, developing countries face the problem of their inability to compete with developed ones to compete in terms of technology and diversity of production. The problem is that companies operating i n developing countries are often technologically dependent on companies based in developed countries. As a result, they cannot outpace and challenge the position of companies based in developed countries in high tech industries.In addition, developing countries are predominantly mono-industrial countries, i.e. they have only one main industry which is well-developed and produces the lion share of the national GDP. For instance, Nigerian economy depends consistently on the oil export with other industries being underdeveloped in the country.Moreover, globalisation aggravates the current disparity between the rich and the poor nations because developing countries are predominantly suppliers of resources, including human resources, whereas developed countries supply high tech products and services (Khor, 2011). As a result, developing countries turn out to be in a disadvantageous position in a long-run perspective because globalisation facilitates and accelerates their exploitation by more developed nations which consume more resources supplied from developing countries, while developing countries retain their backwardness both technological and economic compared to developed nations, while some researchers (Danaher, 1999) insist that this gap grows wider under the impact of globalisation.The seeming improvement brought by globalisation to employees in developing countries because many companies from developed countries have moved their production to developing countries or outsources many of services they needed. However, such a view on the impact of globalisation on employees in developing countries is also erroneous because the move of production from developed countries to developing ones does not improve conditions of work. On the contrary, often companies recruit employees and pay them minimal wages. Many companies neglect workplace safety requirements and neglect rights of employees. As a result, companies employ children and fail to prevent accidents and casualties in the workplace environment in developing countries.Effects of globalisation on the world as a wholeEconomic problems have become global that means that financial and economic crisis became global. In other words, globalisation makes the world economy more vulnerable to economic crises. In the past, when national governments protected domestic economies by fiscal barriers and when the cooperation between nations was relatively low, the crisis in one country or region affected the one country or region only, while the impact on the world economy was minimal. On the contrary today the economic crisis in one country only may trigger the global economic crisis. Obviously, such interdependence of world economies makes them vulnerable to the high risk of crises, while economic crises become deeper and longer (Gomory, 2002).Furthermore, changes at the local and regional level affect the global economic development. For instance, a war in the Middle East can skyrocket the oil pr ice, while opening the US oil reserves can cause the drop of the oil price globally. The emergence of international organisations, such as the World Trade Organisation and supranational organisations and agreements, such as the EU, or the NAFTA, became the government response to the emergence of economic globalisation.In addition, the increased power and role of multinational corporations raises the problem of the government control over business operations. To put it more precisely, many researchers (Stiglitz, 2013) argue that multinational corporations have become more powerful than national governments (Van der Borght, 2000). In response, governments unite their efforts and policies to keep economic development under control because, today, the government performs the role of the mediator between large corporations and citizens. Otherwise, interests of citizens could be neglected by large corporations that means that large corporations could conduct irresponsible environmental po licies, for instance, while citizens could not protect their communities and environment without the assistance of the government and government agencies.Stiglitz (2012) questions prospects of the new economic order established under globalisation. The researcher believes that globalisation may have a destructive impact on the economic and social development of the world because the growth potential of the global market is still limited, while the elimination of national barriers raises the question of the ability of governments and the public to keep control overlarge multinational corporations and businesses.ConclusionThus, the process of globalisation stimulates the rise of international business activities and may even stimulate the economic growth. However, in a long-run perspective, globalisation has rather negative than positive effect. Globalisation leads to the growing disparity between developed nations and developing ones. The former have accelerated the exploitation of n atural resources and other resources of the latter. Moreover, the social inequality persists even in developed nations, where the rich become richer, while the number of poor increases, especially if an economic crisis strikes.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The 49ers and the California Gold Rush
The 49ers and the California Gold Rush The Gold Rush of 1849 was sparked by the discovery of gold in early 1848 in Californias Sacramento Valley. Its impact on the history of the American West during the 19th century was immense. Over the next years, thousands of gold miners traveled to California to strike it rich, and, by the end of 1849, the population of California had swelled by more than 86,000 inhabitants. James Marshall and Sutters Mill The discovery of gold is attributed to James Marshall, who found flakes of gold in the American River while working for John Sutter at his ranch in northern California on January 24, 1848. Sutter was a pioneer who founded a colony he called Nueva Helvetia or New Switzerland. This would later become Sacramento. Marshall was the construction superintendent who had been hired to build a mill for Sutter. This place would enter American lore as Sutters Mill. The two men tried to keep the discovery quiet, but it was soon leaked and news quickly spread of the gold that could be found in the river. First Arrivals The first lucky arrivals- those who emptied out the California cities over the first few months- were able to find nuggets of gold in the stream beds. The American River and other nearby streams regularly gave up nuggets the size of pumpkin seeds, and many were as large as 7–8 ounces. These people made quick fortunes. It was a unique time in history where individuals with literally nothing to their name could become extremely wealthy. It is no surprise that gold fever hit so heavily. The individuals who became the richest were in fact not these early miners but were instead entrepreneurs who created businesses to support all of the prospectors. Sam Brannans store in Sutters Fort grossed more than $36,000 between May 1 and July 10th selling equipment- shovels, picks, knives, buckets, blankets, tents, frying pans, bowls, and any kind of shallow dish. Businesses sprang up to meet the essentials this mass of humanity would need in order to live. Some of these businesses are still around today, such as Levi Strauss and Wells Fargo. The 49ers Most of the treasure seekers outside of California left their homes in 1849, once word had spread across the nation, which is why these gold hunters were called by the name 49ers. Many of the 49ers themselves picked an appropriate name from Greek mythology: Argonauts. These Argonauts were in search of their own form of a magic golden fleece- wealth free for the taking. Yet the majority of those who made the long trek out West were not so lucky. It was hard work to get to Sutters Mill: California had no roads, no ferries at river crossings, no steamships, and there were no hotels or inns on the few trails that did exist. The trek was arduous for those who came over land. Many made their journey on foot or by wagon. It could sometimes take up to nine months to get to California. For the immigrants who came from across the ocean, San Francisco became the most popular port of call. In fact, after the early decimation, San Franciscos population exploded from about 800 in 1848 to over 50,000 in 1849. The individuals who made their way out West during the Gold Rush met with numerous hardships. After making the journey, they often found the work to be extremely hard with no guarantee of success. Further, the death rate was very high. According to Steve Wiegard, staff writer for the Sacramento Bee, one in every five miners who came to California in 1849 was dead within six months. Lawlessness and racism were rampant. Manifest Destiny An estimated 60,000–70,000 people rushed into an area that had not long before supported 6,000–7,000 Yaqi, Mayo, Seri, Pima and Opata Native Americans. The would-be miners came globally, but selectively: Mexicans and Chileans, Cantonese speakers from South China, African-Americans, French came in droves, but not Brazilians or Argentineans, not Africans, not people from Shanghai or Nanjing or Spain. Some Native Americans joined in the free-for-all but others fled the massive influx of people. The Gold Rush reinforced the idea of Manifest Destiny, forever entwined with the legacy of President James K. Polk. America was destined to span from Atlantic to Pacific, and the accidental discovery of gold made California an even more essential part of the picture. California was admitted as the 31st state of the Union in 1850. Fate of John Sutter But what happened to John Sutter? Did he become extremely wealthy? Lets look at his account. By this sudden discovery of the gold, all my great plans were destroyed. Had I succeeded for a few years before the gold was discovered, I would have been the richest citizen on the Pacific shore; but it had to be different. Instead of being rich, I am ruined.... Because of the United States Land Commission proceedings, Sutter was delayed in being awarded the title to the land which he had been given by the Mexican Government. He himself blamed the influence of squatters, people who immigrated to Sutters lands and took up residence. The Supreme Court eventually decided that parts of the title that he did have were invalid. He died in 1880, having fought for the rest of his life unsuccessfully for compensation. Resources and Further Reading Gold Rush Sesquicentennial. The Sacramento Bee, 1998. Holliday, J. S. The World Rushed In: The California Gold Rush Experience. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2002.Johnson, Susan Lee. Roaring Camp: The Social World of the California Gold Rush. New York: W. W. Norton Company, 2000. Stillson, Richard Thomas. Spreading the Word: A History of Information in the California Gold Rush. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2006. Sutter, John A. The Discovery of Gold in California. The Virtual Museum of the City of San Francisco. Reprinted from Hutchings California Magazine, November 1857.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Law of Contract Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Law of Contract - Assignment Example It may be noted that a contract essentially contains two elements: Agreement and enforceability by law. An agreement is defined as 'every promise and every set of promises forming consideration for other.' This essentially means that there should be an offer and acceptance to form an agreement. It is important that before an agreement is finalized there should be a Consensus ad idem (Consensus to the matter) between the two parties. Both the contracting parties should 'say and mean the same' without which there cannot be a contract. The other element of contract, enforceability by law, emphasizes the importance of intention to create a legal obligation or duty to perform or abstain from performing certain act(s). These acts could relate to social or legal matters. A standard form contract is a pre-established record of legal terms regularly used by a business entity or firm in transactions with customers. The record specifies the legal terms governing the relationship between the firm and another party. The firm requires the other party to accept the record without amendment, and without expecting the other party to know or understand its terms. A Standard Form of Contract is used because the contract record specifies the legal terms governing the relationship between the firm and another party. The firm requires the other party to accept the record without amendment, and without expecting the other party to know or understand its terms. Why would anybody use a standard form of contact A Standard Form of Contract is used because the contract record specifies the legal terms governing the relationship between the firm and another party. The firm requires the other party to accept the record without amendment, and without expecting the other party to know or understand its terms. The effectiveness of the Standard Form of Contract is only when it is accepted. The Standard Form of Contract are being used since the 19th century for many commercial transactions like railroad tickets, insurance contracts, lottery tickets and mail order sales contracts. These contracts do facilitate business transactions. Another major reason for using this Standard Form of Contracts are that economize time and effort and dispense with formal contract requirements that would impede business and raise the costs of products. Available Standard forms of Contract 1. Repair and Maintenance Contract. This is a contract used for a home owner/occupier without a consultant. (JCT) 2. Minor Works Building Contract with contractor's design. This is used as a Home Repair and Mainte
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