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For my GCSE Geography research project I have been asked to look at the impacts of Tourism in Kenya Free Essays
string(105) " are divided into three linguistic groups namely; Bantu, Bukusu, Nilotes, Cushites and there are others\." For my GCSE Geography research project I have been asked to look at the impacts of Tourism in Kenya. I am going to be covering background information, which includes; the physical features and tourist attractions, climate features, people of Kenya and cultural features, vegetation and wildlife. I am also going to be looking at the factors that have led to the growth of tourism in Kenya and the benefits and problems tourism has caused. We will write a custom essay sample on For my GCSE Geography research project I have been asked to look at the impacts of Tourism in Kenya or any similar topic only for you Order Now Background information Kenya is a less economically developed country (LEDC) in east Africa. Kenya covers an area of 582,646 square kilometres – the United Kingdom is 244,100 square kilometres in area. Kenya has a population of around 30 million, compared with the UK’s 60 million. Kenya is situated astride the equator and has a hot, tropical climate. The country is bordered by Tanzania, Uganda, Sudan, Ethiopia and Somalia and to Kenya’s east is the Indian Ocean. Figure 1 shows the map of Africa and an arrow showing where Kenya is located. Physical features and tourist attractions In Kenya there are two basic areas, plains (low grassy areas) and Highlands (high, mountain areas). The plains are very active areas. The Natives go about their daily business of farming and doing chores all day. While animals like elephants and giraffes roam around freely. Some houses are built high up on poles so that the animals can’t get at them. The flat coastal plain along the Indian Ocean varies in width from 15-70km, and the land then gradually rises up to the highlands. The Highlands are much more deserted. Kenya’s highest mountain is named Mount Kenya. It towers over everything else in the country. The only areas left to name are the rural towns (the cities). There is really not much you can say about them, as they are most like what we live in. Buildings, roads, people wearing normal clothing, etc. That is the one odd thing about Kenya. It has both areas of traditional living (the way they’ve been doing it for hundreds of years) and rural living (modern things like the ones I just mentioned) One more thing about Kenya’s physical features, they only have summertime. You may not think that affects the way the country looks, but think about it. Weather affects the animals, people, and buildings, pretty much everything. Kenya’s tourist attractions range from safaris through game parks to beautiful beaches on the coast. Until 1969, tourism development had focused on Nairobi’s hotels and on its game parks. Subsequently, coastal tourism received increasing attention, and tie-ins between game park and beach stays became more common, attracting visitors from East Africa and from overseas. Kenya’s coasts offer intriguing cultural and historical surroundings including picturesque old Arab towns and the ruins of sixteenth-century Portuguese settlements. There are ideal conditions for SCUBA diving and game fishing together with 150 miles of unspoiled beaches protected from sharks by the great coral barrier reef. New cottage-style hotels draw on local architectural styles and decor and offer an international standard of luxury. Most visitors to Kenya, however, continue to come primarily to see its varied wildlife, in particular, the world’s largest concentrations of elephant, giraffe, antelope, and zebra. Though hunting safaris have declined since their colonial heyday, restricted game hunting continues to draw enthusiasts. Kenya has an outstanding record among African countries in the protection and development of game parks and lodges. Climate features Kenya is divided by the equator into two almost equal parts. The region north of the equator is hot and receives comparatively little rain. The southern region falls into three zones. Kenya has a great climatic diversity that goes in parallel with the different geographic regions described elsewhere. As an Equatorial country, there is little variation in temperatures throughout the year. However, among regions there are great differences in average temperatures and rainfall. This climatologic diversity is mainly due to the winds and the altitude differences. The rainfall pattern is important because of its influence on wildlife and the road conditions. Upon the rains, many roads become flooded or muddy and are impassable. The rainy season is divided in two periods: the long rains fall between March and June, whereas the short rains take place between October and November. In general, temperatures are higher during the months corresponding to the boreal winter, i.e., January, February and March. Below is a graph showing the temperature and rainfall in Nairobi, Kenya. People of Kenya and cultural features Kenya has a very diverse population that includes most major language groups of Africa. Traditional pastoralists, rural farmers, Muslims, and urban residents of Nairobi and other cities contribute to the cosmopolitan culture. The standard of living in major cities, once relatively high compared to much of Sub-Saharan Africa, has been declining in recent years. Most city workers retain links with their rural, extended families and leave the city periodically to help work on the family farm. About 75% of the work force is engaged in agriculture, mainly as subsistence farmers. The urban sector employs 0.9 million people. The national motto of Kenya is harambee, meaning â€Å"pull together.†In that spirit, volunteers in hundreds of communities build schools, clinics, and other facilities each year and collect funds to send students abroad. The five state universities enroll about 38,000 students, representing some 25% of the Kenyan students who qualify for admission. Kenya is grouped into more than 70 ethnic groups, Some of the ethnic tribes are large e.g. the Agikuyu who form a majority of the population within their homeland in the central province and can also be seen to be in large numbers in the other districts in Kenya. The other large ethnic groups include the Luo, Luhya, Kamba and Kalenjin. There are also some groups of people who form a very small population. This includes the tribe of El Molo. Kenya’s ethnic groups are divided into three linguistic groups namely; Bantu, Bukusu, Nilotes, Cushites and there are others. You read "For my GCSE Geography research project I have been asked to look at the impacts of Tourism in Kenya" in category "Free Research Paper Samples" Many of Kenya’s foremost cultural institutions are in either Nairobi or Mombassa. In Nairobi are the National Museums of Kenya, which include exhibits on natural history and geology; the Kenya National Archives; and the McMillan Memorial Library, with a special collection of Africana. In Mombassa is the Fort Jesus Museum, a history museum housed in a 16th-century Portuguese fort. The Kitale Museum features displays on scientific and historical topics. Vegetation and wildlife Vegetation in the north and northeast is sparse, primarily consisting of thorn bush. In the south area there are acacias and tree cacti of the Euphorbia genus. The giant Baobab (Adansonia digitata), of the Bombacacea family, outstands for its spectacularity, sometimes growing to 18m high and with the trunks reaching 9m in diameter. Its long and pulpy fruit is good for eating, and the bark is used for manufacturing ropes and cloth. Vegetation is more diverse and abundant only at the oasis in the north and northeast, in the river valleys and in areas such as Taà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ta Hills, with an alpine-like landscape. Given the extension of the arid regions, the biggest part of Kenya’s land consists of deserts or semi-deserted steppes. Most visitors to Kenya want to experience the country’s world famous wildlife. But there are many different ways to experience the Kenyan wilderness. Whether you want to drive by a pride of lions in a four wheel drive, walk through herds of plains game, watch a herd of elephants from the comfortable veranda of a safari lodge, track game on horseback or search for rare birds in a thick rainforest, the possibilities are endless. Kenya’s wilderness areas are famous worldwide. The name Kenya has become synonymous with the great wilds of Africa. But they represent far more than you would ever expect, protecting and showcasing a broad range of habitats and species. They are complex ecologies that depend on the conservation of diverse natural resources and systems. The Parks, Sanctuaries and Conservation areas co-exist with and depend on the communities that surround them, and work together to protect the future. From the depths of a coral reef to alpine mountains, from one of the worlds most endangered owls to a herd of wildebeest more than a million strong, the wilderness of Kenya is a wonder to behold. Factors that have led to growth of tourism Tourists are people who travel for pleasure. The tourist industry looks after the needs of tourists and provides the things that help them get to places to help them relax and enjoy themselves. Tourism is a big industry. It is one of the worlds fastest growing industries and in the near future it is expected to employ more people worldwide than any other industry. The growth of tourism in Kenya is due to the tourists being attracted to areas of great scenic beauty or where there is abundant wildlife. Kenya is a land of contrasts, and nowhere is this more apparent than in its range of altitudes. The hills and mountains of Kenya are a world apart from the lowland valleys and plains. High altitude Kenya offers something for everyone. There are refreshing hill walks through bird rich areas or more active hikes into montane forests. Above all there is mighty Mt Kenya, whose slopes are the perfect trekking destination. Kenya is the home of the safari. The boundless wilderness and big game of this region has long attracted adventure seekers from all over the globe. No other African country can boast such an incredible range of landscapes, unique geographical features and species. Kenya offers the visitor a chance to experience a natural world unchanged by the passage of time. The Kenyan wilderness is home to an endless array of ecosystems, the staging ground for natural cycles of life, death and regeneration as old as the planet itself. This great range of natural habitats means that there is plenty to explore, and plenty of species to encounter. The Massai Mara Game Reserve is widely considered to be Africa’s greatest wildlife reserve. The Mara comprises 200 sq miles of open plains, woodlands and riverine forest. Contiguous with the plains of the Serengeti, the Mara is home to a breathtaking array of life. The vast grassland plains are scattered with herds of Zebra, Giraffe, Gazelle, and Topi. The Acacia forests abound with Birdlife and Monkeys. Elephants and Buffalo wallow in the wide Musiara Swamp. The Mara and Talek rivers are brimming with Hippos and Crocodiles. Other indicators of the growth in tourism are the increase in the number of tour operators and vehicle hire enterprises. Tourism is also a major source of employment for farmers and grocers, to construction, transport and financial services and to the purveyors of curios and souvenirs. The industry is labour intensive and hence its expansion generates more job opportunities than an equivalent expansion in other sectors of the economy. Besides, allied improvements in tourism infrastructure also catalyses other economic activities. It is estimated that well over 219,000 people are currently deriving their livelihood from tourism. In some streets in Central Nairobi and Mombassa half the shops are tourist-oriented. Benefits and Problems of Tourism The development of the tourist industry can bring many benefits and problems. Tourism in many parts on Kenya is a ‘double edged shroud’ meaning blight as well as blessing but in my opinion I think that there is more problems than benefits. The development in the tourist industry can improve the chances of having a good holiday for tourists. Countries like Spain, Italy and Greece were once very poor and now have much higher standards of living due to increased tourism. The poorer developing countries have also followed their lead. Kenya, for example has used money from tourism to improve their schools, hospitals, roads and factories. Some of the money has also been spent on developing the tourist industry. There would also be a demand for locally produced food and souvenirs, jobs in hotels and restaurants, new amenities that locals could use. Coffee and tea production brought in more foreign exchange and income from tourism first exceeded that from coffee. In the Massai Mara the ultimate way of travel is in a hot air balloon. Hot air balloons are another source of income but it disturbs animals and they have driven some out. The rapid increase in tourism is overcrowding parts of Kenya and the increasing population growth in the drier areas of Kenya has led to pressure exceeding the carrying capacity of the land in relation to park management, which in turn has led to lower income. The problem of increasing visitors has led to an increase in the number of vehicle entries in the park. This tourist entry is suspected to disturb wild animals and damage natural vegetation by off road driving. The noise by the vehicle may also be disturbing to some wildlife. Its negative impact might be higher in long term. Increased tourist facilities have caused the loss of habitat and naturalness of the area. Lodges and attractive places have been spoilt by garbage and sewage disposal problems. Garbage attracts carrion-eaters such as hyenas, baboons, velvet monkeys and marabou storks. These problems are of concern to the reserve’s management because animals can be obvious threats to people, including tourists. Another impact of garbage is that some scavengers, such as hyenas, may change their natural feeding habits and became permanent garbage feeders. In the Coast, the local residents are Muslims. The Islamic females have to dress their whole body to avoid attracting men but as tourists go by they show parts of their body that is forbidden for Muslims. The darker side about tourism is that the local people then go into drugs n drinking and prostitution. Ladies look for boys for sex, so instead of boys going to the church, they have sex with ladies for money and this is affecting society. Tourists diving and standing on the coral kill the living organisms, as they are extremely delicate and tender. Anchors being dropped of boats constantly batter the coral and it is illegal to harm the coral. Tourists take shells and starfish that are a vital link to the ecosystem. 140 tones of shells and coral are removed out every year for selling. 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